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new to modding HELP!


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Hello, as the title says I'm new to modding and am trying to mod this game as an end run around the lawsuits that neutered it.


I am currently trying to get the raven mod to work as a bit of a test, but I've hit a dead end right out of the gate.


The modder says that I need a pair of files, BTML and MODTEK. I've downloaded both from github, and extracted them into the directories as the directions show. Here's the problem.


The instructions for both BTML and MODTEK say that there are .exe files that I need to run in order to get the process running. After extraction I find NO EXECUTABLE FILES. I look in the directories on github that I am supposedly mirroring here. THERE ARE NO EXECUTABLE FILES.



What am I missing here? I figured since the instructions say the key is a .exe, that it should be there but it's nowhere to be found. Any help would be appreciated.





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First, download from the Releases tab (that's how GitHub is set-up), otherwise you're downloading the whole project (fine for people coding it, not so for people looking to run it)


You just need ModTek 0.6.1 => https://github.com/BattletechModders/ModTek/releases


Then read "Installing" section, here => https://github.com/BattletechModders/ModTek



With v6 and above of ModTek, BTML is deprecated.

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