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Your Oblivion folder


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As the topic says, this is just to see how large your Oblivion folder is. FOr those who don't know how to check, go to your Oblivion folder, right click and select properties.


This is just to see just how much we end up putting in here. It's sort of just for fun. My folder, for example, has a ton of zipped archives to be used for a later date(in a folder called rainy day mods)



Size of My oblivion folder: 40.0 GB (43,007,264,066 bytes)....lucky my computer has a ton of storage capacity, right? scary, isn't it?

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Before I wiped my hardrive I was just under 15 GB. I don't download many environment or texture mode, because my comuter probably couldnt handle it, and my internet connection is used throughout the house most of the day, and everyone gets peed when I start downloading big things :P
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