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Death - Life - Birth - Child - Adult - Elder - Scrolls - Books - Paper - Pen - Ink - Tattoo - T.a.t.u. - Music - Rock-n-Roll - BoDiddly - Blues - Metal - Iron - Maiden - Sword - Dagger - Fall - Abyss - Endless - Universe - Stars - Supernova - Collapse - (*GLITCH*) - Redo - Repent - Sin - Heaven - Fred Astaire - Grease - Classic Cars - Ferrari - Lisnpuppy - Beauty - Tantalizing - Thoughts - Mind - Knowledge - Wisdom - Teeth - Fangs - Vampire - Seduction - Attraction - Magnets - Polarity - Repulsion - Intolerance - Objectivity - Impartiality - Indecisive - Government - Research - Development - Money - Evil - Necromancy - Sid & Nancy - Lovers - Happiness - Bliss - Nirvana - Ecstasy - LSD - Cocaine - Xanadu - Olivia Newton-John - Korey Taylor - James Taylor - Tailor - Seamstress - Clothing - Shoes - Boots - Combat - Tactics - Black Ops - Conspiracy - Espionage - Cold War - Nuclear Bomb - Xenophobia - Genocide - Atrocities - War Crimes - World Trade Center - Power - Corruption - Money - Oil - Treasures - Secrets - Reclusion - Mountains - Snowboarding - Emergency Room - Nurses - Comatose - Morphene - Pain - Laughter - Crying - Fear - Death


(Note: 114 posts to return full-circle to our starting word)


Release - Immortality - Memory - Attention Span - Insanity - Cure - Virus - AIDS - Puppets - Strings - Heart - Soul - Reason - Why - Because - And - Furthermore - Argument - Infinity - Neverending - Unattainable - Goals - World Domination - Totalarianism - Impossible - Unlikely - Likely - Success - Treachery - Forgive - Heal - Grow - Blossom - Flower - Pollinate - Bee - Fly - Plane - Jet - Thrust - Spear - Sparta - Caution - 300 - Glory - Honour - Blood - Mosquito - Itch - Scratch - Flea - Red Hot Chili Peppers - Yum - Pie - Apple - Eve - Adam - Tucker - Music - Class - Detention - Punish - Redeem - Awaken - Arise - Flight - Sky - Soar - Foot - Appendage - Wang - Chung - Dance - (What is Love? - Baby Don't Hurt Me - *MULLIGAN*) - Ritual - Sacrifice - Committment - Proposal - Acceptance - Denial - Freedom - Choice - Restraint - Pause - Reflect - Decision - Contentment - Bliss - Contentment - Bliss - Joyous - Speed - Freak - Cyclops - Hydra - Slide - Fall - Autumn - Winter - Baldur's Gate - Computer Game - Alter Ego - Schizophrenic - Birds - Harrier Jump Jet - Rocket - Nuke - Extinction - Dinosaurs - Paleontology - Friends - Break - Glass - Cut - Movie Set - Drama - Queen - Freddy - Kreuger - Handgun - Pistol - Minigun - Duke - Bowie - Weird - Bizarre - Foods - Organic - Tomatos - Melons - Dez's - Pleased - Eroticism - Voyeurism - Paraphilia - Sadism - Leather - Bondage - Whips - Paddles - Spanking - Bitchslap - Pimps - Fantasies - Fiction - Final Fantasy - Vincent - Materia - Advent Children - Clueless - Mystery - Enigma - Mysterious - Strange - Eerie - Lake - Monster - Nessie - Ogopoggo - Bigfoot - Yeti - Snow - Water - River - Brook - Babbling - Gibbering - Senile - Parents - Seniors - Juniors - Youth - Wild - Law - Crime - Reform - School - Success - Failure - Heartache - Healing - Desire - Burn - Energy - Flow - Saving - Loss - Balance - Libra - Starsigns - Navigation - System - Serj Tankien - Sugar - Guitarist - Segovia - Eddie Van Halen - Tapping - Solo - Seam - Fault - Natural Disaster - Meteor - Shower - Golden - Mile - March - Long - Green - Village - City - Hill - Valley - Death


(Note: 218 posts, including some digression, back to starting word on this cycle)


Grim Reaper - Rebirth - Skillet - Pan - Crisco - Lard - Fat - Thin - Anorexia - Weight - Loss - Tragedy - Family - Sister - Themselves - Others - Ghosts - Machine - Breakdown - MS Windows - Relationships - Fractions - Denominators - Common - Necromancers - Dead - Defeat - Victory - Winners - Losers - Weepers - Whiners - Crybaby - Boohoo - Dogs - Cats - Rats - Cheese - Sheograth - Martin - Lewis - Clark - Explorer - (Dent? - Jyggowrath? - Me?...some non-sequiturs, here) - Paladin - Knight - Batman - Hero - Soldier - Fortune - 500 - Miles - High - Club - Groucho - Vaudeville - Follies - Mae West - LifeJacket - Lifeguard - Surf - Board - Plank - Oak - Teak


400 Posts and counting... the word is "Teak"

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