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Impossible to run modded Skyrim since v1.4.26


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It's been some time since I've had to post here. Right now I'm having more trouble running Skyrim with 40ish mods than a fully overhauled TES3/4 with tons of mods.


That began with the change of the plugin loading system. If I recall correctly, NMM didn't work at first, so I switched fully to the Steam Workshop.

Today, I tried again:


- Clean Install with mods added via Workshop.

- Ran BOSS.

- Doublechecked if plugins and loadorder were synched.

- Did NOT start via the Launcher but started SKSE directly.

- After not being able to start a new game or load, I checked what the launcher had to say to that. It would deactivate half the mods and screw up the load order.

- Resynched both files, deleted the DLClist added by the launcher. Still no luck.

- Installed WryeBash, found several UDRs. Couldn't do anything about it, is there no TES5Edit?

- Tried again with bashed patch. No luck.


Am I just too stupid and missing something obvious? Files are read/write, plugins and load order match my BOSS log. Didn't change anything via WryeBash, just added the patch.

No conflicts known to BOSS, only the UDRs WryeBash found. Nothing merged, etc.


These are my mods, in order:


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This is what my WryeBash looks like:


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Please help me out here. Educated guesses welcome.

Edit: I'm pretty sure this IS a load order or general mod conflict issue. It loaded fine with half the mods disabled via the normal launcher. I've been manually trying to figure out, where the problem is...seems it's not one mod but a combination.

Edited by zhokar
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Yes. All mods have been updated over the workshop once with the launcher. I could ofc make another clean install and just use NMM for everything, but some mods aren't available here and I'd have to download huge amounts of data. I would have already tried that, but since I moved I have to share a DSL 6000 line with my flat mate. So that's not an option, really.
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There is a problem with Songs of Skyrim and the author has removed the mod until repairs have been made. The author has stated that you should disable and uninstall SoS until such time as he is able to upload a repaired file.
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Dont worry about UDRs.


I would recommend uninstalling all the SoS mods, as well as any quest related mods. These are the usual culprits. Birds and real wildlife have also been know to cause issues.


Make sure you fully uninstall the mods, not just deactivate them in NMM or untick the plugin in WB. Delete every trace of the mod from your computer. Also be warned that you will probably need to start a new game after this, since uninstalling mods can cause damage to your savegame.

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Thank you, will get back to you on if that worked. I export a clean save or start a new hero when I've made major mod changes.


EDIT: The culprits seemed to be SoS (Game went to loading screen -> blackscreen after installing instead of crashing before loading screen) - and Real Wildlife. After removing thes I could play properly.

Just to make sure I uninstalled the 3 quests mods. But they were in the correct load order and compatible (one author too). Is anyone using Sea of Ghosts and his other mods successfully? And can you recommend a different, working Wildlife mod? WB should patch the leveling lists, so Enhanced Highlevel Gameplay shouldn't cause issues.

Edited by zhokar
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Here is a link to my troubleshooting blog. .



If you use any of this and have some success - or even if nothing works - please post back here what you did that worked or didn't work. That kind of information can be invaluable to other members having the same or similar problems - And to me in fixing any problems in the blog.

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Thank YOU too for helping the community! Just check the above post. I have also mixed in the Nexus mods SkyMoMod 8, Lore Friendlier Replacers, Quality World Map, Cloaks of Skyrim, Alternate Start and UFO (uninstalled Fixed Followers Lite). Starting a new game works just fine, even though all other mods were installed via the Workshop. This is worth mentioning since many players either only use NMM and Nexus mods OR the Workshop - with WB and BOSS you can mix them happily. I will let you know if I run into more problems, if you'd like screenshots or load orders, just PM me. Edited by zhokar
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