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Field of View Papyrus Property


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Is there a property or function within Papyrus scripting that determines if an object is with in a player's Field of View? I am exploring the idea of a Weeping Angel type object or monster. Don't Blink!
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You should look at this: http://www.creationkit.com/Category:Papyrus


I am not sure. I have forgotten most things about papyrus


Thanks. I checked there, didn't see any script properties or functions relating to field of view or view frustums.


I did find GetHeadingAngle which might be adapted for my purpose.

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LINE OF SIGHT (LOS). There are several different functions related to this in the wiki.


edit: even though it is called "line" of sight, I found in practice that it fires if the target is anywhere in the FOV provided it is not hiding behind an obstacle. So the npc can be at the edge of my screen and it will still fire an LOSGain event.

Edited by steve40
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Sounds like it may work.


One question though, does the LOS work on the PC's location in 3rd person view, as if the player was in first person or, does it reflect what is shown on the screen?

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