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Actually it is also from the "Brief History of the Empire", not sure if the one in the game has the same info, but if you have the collector's edition it's in there.
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Sorry, I checked the book, which is the Pocket Guide to the Empire, and NOT Brief History, and I think I worded the question wrong. They were not Imperial Council in so many words. They were the original Potentates of Tamriel, and started as prisoners in the first era. Later, they were granted this position by Emperor Reman I. Ok, that should cut it down, if it still doesn't make sense to anyone, feel free to post another question.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm going on with a new question(an easy one just for warming up :P):


How many mages guild members are in the Bruma mages guild hall? (name them! )


Four members:

  • J'skar
  • Jeanne Frasoric
  • Selena Orania
  • Volanaro


And here's a question:

In wich settlement does Ri'Bassa live?

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I think Ri'Bassa lives in Border Watch... isn't he part of the K'Sharra Prophecy quest for Sheogorath? Someone correct me if I'm wrong, I'm horrible at remembering the names of Khajiits and Argonians.


Name all the beggars living in Cheydinhal.

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