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[LE] mods and authors permission


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yo so i need some serious help, last september i asked HeirOfTheSeptems if i could port his mod the Daedric Realms-Volume 1 The Hunting Grounds to xbox one and after months of asking via posts, and waiting i decided to port it but i felt some regrets after doing so and after talking to someone i removed it decied to ask him again with an apology but on Wednesday he sent me this (https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?app=members&module=messaging&section=view&do=showConversation&topicID=3298536&st=0#msg13109786), so sent an apology and asked him again while informing him about my first message to him but he never responded, i sent him another message last thursday and i found out he read it today but he never responded, ive told my dad my situation and the way he sees it its that im just trying to mod my game and this guy is being to inconsistent despite what im being told to do so he says i should look online on how to get the mod on xbox one since the author is being to difficult and inconsistent.


so here i am i just want to play this mod on xbox one but the author is just flat out ignoring me and being to inconsiderate so can someone please help me.

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first, we cannot view your PM messages those are private.


second, you need the author's permission to port the mod. without it, you cannot do anything with it. if the author is ignoring you then well that's tough he has the right to do so. legally the mod is his property though.

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You are more than welcome to use the ported mod yourself, no-one can stop you from doing that. BUT, you CANNOT, under any circumstances, publish the ported mod for others to use without the consent of the original mod author. Regardless of whether you think the mod author is "being to inconsiderate", it belongs to them, and they have final say on what happens with it.

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You are more than welcome to use the ported mod yourself, no-one can stop you from doing that. BUT, you CANNOT, under any circumstances, publish the ported mod for others to use without the consent of the original mod author. Regardless of whether you think the mod author is "being to inconsiderate", it belongs to them, and they have final say on what happens with it.

they want it on xbox which means they can't use the port

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What does this mean bro port it and use it for myself without making it public


(You are more than welcome to use the ported mod yourself, no-one can stop you from doing that. BUT, you CANNOT, under any circumstances, publish the ported mod for others to use without the consent of the original mod author.)

Edited by mbaku616
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