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Want to know what the Draugr say?


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A lot of people have this same question:What in the name of Oblivion the Draugr say?Well,everyone knows that is in Dragon Language,but no one have the patience of looking to translate.I have.

You want to know what the Draugr say?Look below.You already knew this?Good for you.


"Aav Dilon": Join Dead!


"Dir Volaan!": Die Intruder!


"Bolog aaz,mal lir!": Beg mercy,little worm!


"Faaz! Paak! Dinok!" : Pain! Shame! Death!


"Kren sosaal!" : Break Bleed!


"Qiilaan us dilon!": Bow before Dead!



Little confusing isn't? Well, see for yourself here: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Dragon_Language

If something is wrong, just tell me.


I just found more two of their dialogue:


"Unslaad Krosis!": Eternal Sorrow!


"Daanik Ah Dov!": Doomed dragonhunter!

Edited by Dovahkiin069
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I've always wondered about this. If speaking Dragon turns words into a physical force, how can one communicate without that happening? I mean, suppose the Dovahkiin says "We need to light a fire!" Will he spout fire? I'm just curious about Tue mechanics of it all. Does it have more to do with intent? Basicall, you have to WANT it to spout fire.
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Dragons and the language is strange and a little confusing, at first. But the thing to realize is that there are words, and then there are Power Words. Power Words are words that have become such a part of your being that they shape the very world around you. That's how they (according to the lore) work.
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But some of what are "Power Words" seem to be fairly common use words. Again: fire. Or are Power Words specific to the speaker? If not, do those thus always change the world around you?
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I don't know if this is how the lore explains it, but think of it like this.


If you move your arm, you had to have sent that signal to your arm; to send that signal to your arm, there is a sequence in your brain that leads to moving your arm. We'll say, you think you want to move your arm, you decide to move it, you move it. All of that occurs in the split second that you move it.


But what if you thought about moving it, decided to move it, but then stopped at that stage, and even though you'd made the decision to move it, you didn't actually send that final signal?


This is the point of discussion, for instance, in the movie "Minority Report." If you're reading someone's thoughts, even though they go through every step up until an action, they can still not take it.


If you add a 4th step onto speaking, activating a certain muscle which causes the words to have power, then you can also not perform that step.

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My theory is that there is no such thing as a "word of power" in the sense that the power is built into the word itself. The dragon language contains many ordinary words that would be used regularly in normal speech that are also used in Shouts. For example, take Paarthurnax's greeting: Drem yol lok (peace fire sky). All three words are part of one Shout or another. Some words are even used in more than one Shout.


I suspect that any given word can serve as a focus for one or more concepts encompassed by its meaning. Learning to Shout means internalizing and fully understanding a concept and then projecting that concept through the focusing word using the Voice. The word is like a lens that converts light (the raw power of the Voice) into a laser beam (a Shout). (I hope I'm explaining that clearly.) However, if you have sufficient control, then you can choose whether or not to project through that word, giving you the option of speaking it normally. Also, anyone who does not know how to Shout would be able to speak the dragon language normally, as it appears to have been the native language of the Atmoran colonists used in both speech and writing through the Merethic and First Eras.


This theory would explain the Dragonrend Shout, which can not be understood or used by dragons even though the words (such as "joor") are known to them and used by them in ordinary speech. This Shout was invented by men. Men could thoroughly understand the concept of mortality, so they were able to project that concept through selected words once they had learned the Voice. These words were not "words of power" until someone learned how to put the power of the Voice through them. The power is not in the words themselves, but in the use made of them.


The theory would also explain why you do not need to unlock "Call Dragon". You aren't using the words of Odahviing's name for any concepts behind their actual meanings, but to establish a connection with his identity, which is a function of all three words working together as a unit. His identity is a concept separate from the words of his name. (I would be interested to know if the expansion lets you learn to call Durnehviir without requiring an unlock. This should be the case if my idea is correct.)


As with any language, the same word can express more than one concept. This would explain why a word may appear in more than one Shout. The concepts behind a given word are all related, but differ enough that the word can be a focus for any of them if you know how to "adjust" the focus for the concept you want to express.


This might also explain how the Greybeards other than Arngeir manifest power no matter what they say, even when they are not actually Shouting. They have been concentrating on increasing the power of their Voice for years by using the power constantly as a strength training. Now their power is released in an unfocused manner every time they open their mouths, causing a general shaking. Perhaps they've even forgotten how to not use the Voice. Only when they are actually Shouting are they applying any focus to their words.


It's just an idea, but it does seem to explain much of what we experience.

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