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Lanterns of Skyrim - All In One. are all red?


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  • 8 months later...

Literally in huge red letters


This mod (BOTH VERSIONS) is based on two files: The main file ESM and a preset file ESP.
You can find the Main ESM (standard or MCM Edition) and ESP presets in the download area.
Download the ESM (standard or MCM Edition) and donwload at least one preset then activate both files.
By activating only ESM file (standard or MCM Edition) you have a red colored light lanterns like Oblivion, so you need to activate a preset too.

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Literally in huge red letters


This mod (BOTH VERSIONS) is based on two files: The main file ESM and a preset file ESP.

You can find the Main ESM (standard or MCM Edition) and ESP presets in the download area.

Download the ESM (standard or MCM Edition) and donwload at least one preset then activate both files.

By activating only ESM file (standard or MCM Edition) you have a red colored light lanterns like Oblivion, so you need to activate a preset too.

This! I have Climates of Tamriel so downloaded that preset with my night setting, and it looks amazing :)

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Ooooooh, it all makes sense now. I was thinking maybe the author just likes hanging around in seedy neighborhoods.


Also, this is what we get for not reading. This is all clearly spelled out in the mod's description...I just didn't read it.

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