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The Vigilants of Stenndar, biggest losers in Skyrim, or Tamriel even?


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I was thinking about these guys today as I encountered one of their patrols, and as I watched them getting their butts kicked (again), it occurred to me, what complete butt monkeys these guys are. I mean, have you ever seen them actually win a fight, ever? Most of their order are low-level casters who, I am guessing where not skilled enough to do anything better? Their gear, is sub-par, no armor, and typically wield Iron maces. Why not...silver at least, if they undead hunters,, on paper anyhow, but, no. All they can afford is the cheapest, and least effective undead\Deadra slaying weapon there is. Better than sharp sticks I suppose. Even the Forsworn have better gear and would be more effective fighting the VoS opponents than the group dedicated to wiping them out. Which is funny when you think about it, because the only ones getting wiped out, are the Vigilantes themselves.


I cannot think of any group in Skyrim, or possibly all of Tamriel ,with a record of failure as extensive and complete as these guys. Now, I could be wrong on this point, if you can think of bigger group of losers dedicated to getting beaten over and over again, let us know in replies. The only time I see them win, is when 3 of them corner a single low or middling level vampire, and even then, they still need help. Or, when the game scripts them winning. In those cases, I just have to assume someone more competent either wandered by, and rescued them from what probably would have been another defeat, or, they might just have gotten lucky. Either way, it occurs 'offscreen' so I tend to always assume they had outside help.

And skeletons dont really count, since they in game terms, they are just a step above skeevers in terms of durability and combat efficiency. Garden variety skeletons, at least, do not appear to present the VoS fighters with too much difficulty, so they have that going for them :rolleyes:


To summarize, the VoS get their asses kicked by, pretty much everyone in this game, including:


-Vampires (Dawnguard) The bulk of their order gets pretty much wrecked. RIP VoS

-Daedra (House of Horrors side quest)



-Random Vampires, who kill them, steal their gear, and then masquerade as VoS, which by all accounts, is not all that hard to do.

-They get charmed, and turned into mindless zombie slaves by an evil wizard, who uses them as expendable fodder and manual labor. And that charm, cannot be cured or reversed, so, they can only be, you guessed it, killed!


However, thanks to my Opulents Outfits mod, they look good, and talk a good game and they even sound like they mean business. At least until they get killed and or...killed. :ohmy:


Seriously, I have to wonder who would ever joined this group in the first place with a track record like theirs? It seems to be pretty much a death sentence, or if you are one of the lucky ones, you get turned into a charmed slave with no will of your own.


Where do I sign up? The Hall of the Virgilants you say? You mean their burnt out ruins of their (former) headquarters, the place with all those dead Vigilants in the wreckage? Sounds good. :ermm:

Edited by Mebantiza
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From time to time, I see a lone vigilant along the road, surrounded by pieces of skeletons, or a dead atronach. They do win, from time to time, but yeah...our amulets give us a blocking bonus, but we don't carry shields. We wear metal boots and gauntlets, and wonder why we're stabbed through the robe. -_-


I have outfitted mine with a combo of MadCat221's robed steel plate armor and steel plate accessories, or the occasional robed chainmail armor. They fare a lot better, when they actually have armor on.

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Register, I believe that is correct. I have recently played with the Vigilant alt start. You spawn in the hall, which is fully operational, and are able to leave a few times, without it being destroyed. I don't remember what level I was, when it finally was destroyed, but I used AFT to make everybody there a follower, and moved them all over to Stendarr's Beacon, first thing.

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Register, I believe that is correct. I have recently played with the Vigilant alt start. You spawn in the hall, which is fully operational, and are able to leave a few times, without it being destroyed. I don't remember what level I was, when it finally was destroyed, but I used AFT to make everybody there a follower, and moved them all over to Stendarr's Beacon, first thing.



Thanks for Verifying

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From time to time, I see a lone vigilant along the road, surrounded by pieces of skeletons, or a dead atronach. They do win, from time to time, but yeah...our amulets give us a blocking bonus, but we don't carry shields. We wear metal boots and gauntlets, and wonder why we're stabbed through the robe. -_-


I have outfitted mine with a combo of MadCat221's robed steel plate armor and steel plate accessories, or the occasional robed chainmail armor. They fare a lot better, when they actually have armor on.


Mine are all mostly dead, because I play with the Sands of Time Mod.

So they usually get blown to hell

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Maybe there is a mod in this, give them set, fixed and consistent (and effective gear,) like chain mail or battle-mail from one of the various mods, enhanced silver weapons, stuff like that. Might make them a little less of a Red-Shirt, butt-monkey Army?

Hard to say if that would help any. They will still be dumb as bricks, but, they might actually last in a fight and even start doing a little damage.


Something to think about.

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