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"Let me show you to your room.Right this way"-_-


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So the innkeeper shows you to your room every time you buy a room :wallbash: .Someone please make a tweak that removes this annoying behavior in the inns that you bought a room one time.And for folks that are short of memory , add something like "Can you show me to my room?". That would be great. Thanks in advance.Oh and they always say "tell me if you need anything"...soooo... a dialogue that says bring me...some books,drinks,food,etc would be great.


P.S.:A tip jar would be an awesome thing too.Like a urn or something on the bar that you can interact with and place a tip of your choice(5 gold,or even over 9000!).and when you tip well enough the innkeeper , bard, etc talk nicer to you and possibly unlock new stuff :biggrin: .

I thing it would be a great addition to the game!Don't you? :tongue:

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Would love to see a general overhaul of innkeeper behaviour that includes all of this. That said, I'd love to see a complete inn overhaul that edits both interiors and the innkeeper behaviour to make them all better, with due compatibility with major settlement mods. Ahh, we can dream.

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The tip jar is nothing I'm interested in, getting rid of the annoying "let me show you to your room" would be VERY appreciated. I tend to play without homes, mods or vanilla, at least for the first 10 or so levels. The inn rooms are my primary residences. I want to tell the barkeep to shut the heck up and go away.

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  • 1 month later...

I came here also via a Google search because it really breaks my immersion when the same innkeeper shows me to my room for the thousandth time. I have some ideas for a total inn overhaul myself, but I'm just hopping one of you amazing mod authors could do something simple like:


1. Innkeepers only show you to your room the first time you buy a room from them

2. After which they simply take your gold and let you know your room is available.


I love bLu480's idea about having an optional dialog of "Can you show me to my room?" just in case you are at one of the larger inn's and forgot which bed is yours.

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http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25029/ - realistic room rental. a complete inn service overhaul. useful for non fast travel of frostfall characters. and that "show you to your room" line is actually made necessary with the mod as you don't always get the same room anymore. also has multi day or indefinite room rental. happy trails.

Edited by Dracula420
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Or Force Animation upon the Character and Inn Keeper so the Game takes you to the Room instead of you running to the room and sleep, then when you wake up, she is still stupidly showing you to your room.


But i like the Idea of the Poster above me where to Disable the Inn Keeper follow behavior.

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