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Outlander Sword


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I recently saw the movie Outlander, and was wondering if anyone with modeling capabilities could create a specific sword from the movie for me. Below are reference pictures regarding the front, back, blade, and pummel.



Back (Remove spaces to see image):


http://www. therpf .com/attachments/f9/outlander-gun-outlander_swordb2.jpg-21158d1265762516





Front and Overall Sword. This is not the color it should look. This is a more "beat up" version, so things are not perfectly straight as they should be. Only use as a reference for the hilt. Use the other pictures for the blade:





Overall Sword from the back. The pummel is missing here. Note the way that the point is not perfectly symetric (Remove spaces to see image):


http://www. therpf .com/attachments/f9/outlander-gun-outlander_swordb1.jpg-21157d1265762516





Shot of sword in the movie. Note the pummel and the size of the sword, as well as dimensions and other features.





This is all I can provide for now. If someone could please make this, I will help in any way that I can.

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I got in touch with the author of this mod and talked to her a little about the mod and gave some constructive criticism. She approved of it, however said that she would be unable to follow through with the suggestions that I had. She did however give me permission to do it myself or have someone else help me with it as long as credit was given. Would anyone be willing to help me out with this? All that is needed are some minor changes to the model and that's all.
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