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yeah everyone gasp when i say i have never played skyrim before. now that i got my first high end pc in a long time i figured it's time to play and also beef it with some mods. but i am noticing that while i could get the original i can also get the newer Special Edition of the game. as i was doing research i keep hearing that some old mods and even some new ones might not work on the special editions. can some one please clear the air. which version should i get? if i get the new one will only some of the mods in the Skyrim folder on nexus work? so bottom line is which version is the best and how do i go about modding that version?

Edited by SgtEverman
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You cannot get Skyrim(Oldrim) in steam anymore. Better get that Skyrim Special Edition (SSE).


As for the mods, there should be plenty of mods available in SSE. No need to go Oldrim mods unless you really want them.


Most Oldrim mods should be compatible to SSE unless the mod author stated otherwise.


In my opinion, all Oldrim armors and textures mods should be compatible to SSE (if you're using manual install).

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