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Weird ground bug/glitch


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Been getting this weird bug lately where the textures won't load and stay lowres like they're LOD or something, usually after that happpens the ground wont load and walking into it will make me stuck and even tcl wont fix it. Currently i've been fixing it by just saving and restarting my game and then it'll be fine. I have tried fixing it by reinstalling all texture mods that could affect it from NMC to lodgen. I couldn't find any info on this happening to any1 else so I guess I have to ask myself with my broken english.


also after i enter the so called void in first peson my camera doesnt move if i move my mouse but my minimap does


really don't want to start over cause i've played the almost entire week and i'm like level 30.


my load order:


[X] FalloutNV.esm
[X] DeadMoney.esm
[X] HonestHearts.esm
[X] OldWorldBlues.esm
[X] LonesomeRoad.esm
[X] GunRunnersArsenal.esm
[X] ClassicPack.esm
[X] MercenaryPack.esm
[X] TribalPack.esm
[X] CaravanPack.esm
[X] YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm
[X] Project Nevada - Core.esm
[X] Project Nevada - Equipment.esm
[X] Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm
[X] SomeguySeries.esm
[X] Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp
[X] uGridsToLoad_SaveGuard.esm
[ ] MojaveSandyDesert.esp
[X] YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp
[X] Readius_NV.esp
[X] DarNifiedUINV.esp
[X] The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
[X] The Weapon Mod Menu.esp
[X] Project Nevada - Rebalance Complete.esp
[ ] avangraffscorned.esp
[X] NewVegasBounties.esp
[X] UnlimitedCompanions.esp
[X] Mojave Nights.esp
[X] RaestlozFactionArmorEnhancement.esp
[X] Weapon Retexture Project.esp
[X] RoadFighterArmorEN.esp
[X] Unofficial Patch Plus.esp
[X] Riot Gear Has Backpack.esp
[X] TFH Rugged Race.esp
[X] DLC Weapon Integration.esp
[X] EmptyWeaponsNVSE.esp
[X] DustydistanceNV.esp
[X] CASM with MCM.esp
[X] Prime_Boone.esp
[ ] Cosmetic Cigarettes.esp
[X] Cosmetic Cigarettes -No Smoke.esp
[ ] recoilmod_medium.esp
[X] CleanHuntingRifle.esp
[ ] More Cut Content Merged.esp
[X] AllReinforcedLeatherArmor.esp
[X] GrimyBusinesswearFix.esp
[X] Real Recoil.esp
[X] Service_Rifle_Remade.esp
[X] Colt N99 10mm.esp
[X] Colt N99 - Weathered Replacer.esp
[ ] 357retex.esp
[ ] CFAsawedoff.esp
[X] Stronger Bozar.esp
[X] WMIMNV.esp
[X] Hanlon dialogue fix.esp
[X] ContinueAfterEnding.esp
[X] SaveCass.esp
[X] TFH 1st Recon Helmet.esp
[X] populatedcasino-light.esp
[X] FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting - All DLC.esp
[X] tmzLODadditions.esp
[X] MuchNeededLOD.esp
[X] All Weapon Sounds Overhaul .esp
[X] 1911.esp
[X] 1911_replacer.esp
[X] BHPM1935.esp
[X] BHPM1935_9mmReplacer.esp
[X] FSW.esp
[X] Better Game Performance.esp
[X] Performance Of The Gods.esp
[X] FOVSlider.esp
[X] ADAM Complete.esp
[X] ADAM - MERGE.esp
[X] R700Paciencia.esp
[X] NVDLC04 Allegiance w Duster.esp
graphics mods I use: NMC Medium, NMC washedoutwasteland, Mojave sandy desert, textures over time
second image is me in 3rd person
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You can also get "out of memory" errors from the graphics system (which is separate from exhausting system memory), even with the game 4GB enabled. The video pipeline is known to have "memory leaks", and these occur faster with "beautification mods". Here the cause is a combination of larger image sizes ("higher resolutions", aka "hi-rez"), hi-rez texture packs for skin, hair, clothes, weapons, and landscape; along with mods that increase the number of NPCS in a given cell. (All those hi-rez texture "personal accessories" get multiplied by the number of Actors.) Please see the wiki "Display resolution versus Image Size" article. While "ENBoost" can help, you may need to switch to lower resolution/ smaller sized images or even lower quality in your game graphics configuration.

If you add any VWD/LOD textures (such as NMC or Ojo Bueno), please see the 'Checklist Item #15 & 16' entries in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide regarding the need to run both TES4LL and FNVLODGen. Also recommend you read the 'LOD/VWD Texture Packs' section of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article first.

Because "Texture/Mesh" replacement mods replace vanilla versions of those files, you absolutely have to toggle "ArchiveInvalidation (AI)" off-and-then-on again after installing or removing one of them so it recognizes that there are loose files (added by the mod) which have to be used in place of the vanilla files in the BSA files or are no longer there and the BSA files should be used instead. That failure to toggle is the most common reason behind most "texture problems". This is usually evidenced by red "!" icon for missing meshes, and solid colors for missing textures, or "messed up" textures. This "ArchiveInvalidation" mechanism is incorporated in all the currently used mod managers, so there is no need to (and problems arise if you do) install older mods to provide that capability. ONLY USE ONE METHOD of AI, especially if you have multiple mod managers installed. Otherwise they will conflict, as they use their own "arbitrarily chosen" names for the AI BSA files. (There is not a standardized name used among them all.) Please see the 'ArchiveInvalidation (by Manager)' section in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.


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