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PSA: Own a game from Ubisoft? You may have malware installed.


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I can't find a uplay plugin in my browser. I guess Avast got rid of it or something.



Ubi said they patched this thing as well, maybe that's why I can't find it.


Either way. They lost my money.

There's been way too much negativity around them and I just don't trust them anymore.


If you're using Chrome you'll need to put chrome://plugins/ into the address bar to find it.

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Why don't they just start making games for consoles only then? If they don't like PC gamers, alienating PC gamers and then asking them to buy your games doesn't seem very well thought out.

Money... and so that they can cite piracy as to why people don't want to play their games so that they can get away with stupid crap like this.

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my checkers stopped these when my son clicked to play Assassin's Creed. Shocked me as it had come down through the updates.


Thanks for the hands up hopefully they will stop doing this as to me its a violation of my equipment and my privacy.


As with lv000 the latter two games have been patched as far as I'm aware without incident. :D

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But I'm so enjoying them. It doesn't seem right. They really should rethink what they are doing as this type of "spyware" is totally invasive and not at all worthy of a major company
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So I take it that Uplay is Ubisoft's version of Origin then, or at least tries to be. Done a check and if that's the case and this is spyware of some description then I'm not happy as all three games have downloaded it in the latest updates.



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