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Editing Quoted Posts, what's going on?


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If I quote a post that has multiple people quoted in it, it's currently impossible to delete the person name from the post

I usually highlight the person's name and hit delete, but nothing happens, and if you have a block of text you want to delete and that person's name and timestamp are included with that text, NOTHING will delete
I managed to delete it going into the Full Editor, but it currently won't work with the default editor when you click on QUOTE anymore

EX: (Made up, so don't try it with my example.)
DerpetiaMadeUpName, on 24 Feb 2019 - 3:19 PM, said:

Yargle blargle
Now, in the default editor if I highlight the Author name and timestamp, I can't delete it,
IF I highlight the TEXT and the Author and Time Stamp, I can't delete the text either
I can only delete the text

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