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Me MODS Aint Appearing In Data Files On Skyrim Launcher


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Hi All,


I have downloaded loads of mods from nexus some of which work great but others like houses do not appear and was told they should appear in the Data Files section, is this correct?


Also the house, estate mods since they are not on my map even though i have installed them with success using NMM do you have to find these house mods yourself by venturing around? or should they automatically be on the map?

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in your skyrimprefs.ini (My Documents /My Games/ Skyrim)


see if this line:




is under the heading "[Launcher]"


if it's at zero, change to 1


if it's not there at all, copy and paste it in.



For your other question, some houses have map markers from the start others you have to discover. The mod description page should tell you which one is the case.

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