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Where have all the Chickens gone?


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The topic header says it all really: where is all the poultry in the FO universe?


We know that some birds made it through the war as we see ravens and eagles/hawks in both FO3 & NV but never any chickens.


Or turkeys for that matter either?


So why no chickens?


We also know that there must have been chickens around right up till the great war because you could still find YumYum deviled Eggs so that logically means egg laying chickens where still about.



Everyone's thoughts, random musings and conspiracy theories are all welcome.


Over to you :thumbsup:

Edited by Talwyn224
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They ran away with the cats.


The cats still appear to be around as these pictures clearly illustrate:









However in order to find them you'll have to travel Beyond Boulder Dome for a chance to see them :thumbsup:

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