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General ENB questions


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Okay I got to ask ask again.


I started using ENBs a few months back now, and generally getting a feel for them. However I would like to know if there are all usable in Fo4. such as the one in Skyrim.


I ask because I don't want to hose a perfectly stable setup for the sake of experimenting.


Also I would to know if ENB and ReShade Manager is Fo4 friendly.


Thanks in advance to those generous enough to reply.



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Since most of the time I prefer to do an Institute playthrough, I was always looking for an ENB that doesnt blind me while beeing there.

This said, I'm using the 2 of them (only 1 at a time obviously!).


* Highpitched Poseidon Energy Sweet ENB ; Personaly the BEST enb for Institue Play!!, but watching your own char in 3rd Person into the face is usualy blurred by DoF.

* Visceral ENB Lite - True Storms - Vanilla ;; A slightly sci-fi ENB, as it changes the visual appearance quiet a bit ; Fort Hagen is an FPS drop 60->40, Far Harbor as well, 60->40 fps.



Edited by Sephrajin
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Thanks for your reply,Sephrajin.


Your suggestion are appreciated and noted.


But do you know if one can use Enb from Skyrim for Fo4? That's the big question.


I have begun going more into Screen Archery and Digital Photography lately and I want to broaden my tool bag.


Already my images have improved dramatically, but I want to go even further...



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