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Hello wandering wastelanders.


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Hello everyone.


So like many, I am now having serious FO3 crashes (Gasp, shocking I know.)


I am now 36 hours into a game and suddenly when I hit around save number 90 things started.. Glowing, and not in the fun way, more in the rage of a thousand suns as my game CTD.


Everything went fine, it was all the fun. From better textures and guns, to new and interesting places to check out. Deathclaws to run from, then turn and feed shotgun shells, raiders to taunt. Lewd things. It was great. Then I decided to get back to that Wasteland Survival/Moria's Insane Brain stuff. Was on my way to RobCo. Went in the building and CTD. Well, being Fallout, that happens. Reloaded. Happened again. Reloaded -again- and happened again.


Then I noticed a .tmp file tag on the end of my auto saves, so i deleted all of those and the saves i thought were corrupted, losing about an hour but no big deal. Went through the process again. Everything was great. Went back to RobCo....... And It happened again. Now I cannot save anywhere for any reason without a CTD, let alone seem to enter any cells.


With or without music on, in various camera views, etc etc etc. Everything seems to CTD now. Fast travel works, and I just tried out a cell purger and a quick save mod. Both of which seemed to work, then I decided to go back to RobCo. After hosing down a swarm of giant radscorp's assorted super mutants and other random things, I was feeling good about myself. Went to save. CTD.


I even downloaded the vortex mod manager and re downloaded/added in the mods, made sure that it was all installed using the suggested methods. Deleted old saves/new saves down to a minimal number. Even tried that blow myself up like a noob trick.


Now five hours later, after trying to reDL all the mods, re load them into Vortex this time, deal with conflicts/load order problem as best I could.


When it came to installing mods I did my best to avoid things that would conflict, and tested them in small groups of 4-5 at a time until I found a combo that worked, though a lot of the stuff is very poorly written in some of the how too's for installing all this .xml stuff is too much to follow sometimes, so I went with mods that didn't have a problem. Theres several others I tried to get working like the MegaK hud addon, never could get it to work. had some more of the lewd/nood stuff installed, it was fun might reinstall as its just textures. None of this though really fixes this problem. Now I cant even enter my house in Megaton without a CTD as well.


I feel like I am standing in a radioactive puddle. someone broke the pipboy and a aroused deathclaw is giving me a far too interested stare.



Edited by LeopoldGarrity
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If I were you, I'd had a closer look on these mods:

* Robco Fascitlity

* Robco Utility Room Shelter

* Robco Cleanup

* CoreRobots -*


Not saying any of them are the cause, but since you're issue is with Robco… well.. yeah… I'd start to investigate with these..



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You have too many files in your load order. You need to trim it to about 120-130+/- total files. You can start by removing the unused plugins, since they do count towards the max.


I don't use Vortex, LOOT or NMM, but every mod I have seen that has plugins for the DLCs always say they are to be arranged together and in the same order as the base game.


You don't state, but are you using FOSE, Fallout Stutter Remover, or New Vegas Anti Crash?


With the large number of mods you are trying to run, you do need a merged or bashed patch.

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Ahh yeah the robco facility is in megaton though and I thought it would be safe, tried to disable the shelter one and the cleanup one, and for some reason which is beyond my tiny brain it still crashed. I hoped that it would have been that as well, and I was all yeah, it works now! Right until it crashed just to mock me. The corerobots one just feels buggy too, been disabling it as well but I have no real input on if it works but it still crashes sdaly.


Ah I didn't know there was a particular limit on mods and such, as to the order ahh so like if it says various DLC in a particular order the mods have to follow suit? And I have no idea what a merged/bashed patch is, Been tempted to start over but I just , don't think that will help. I will see about adjusting the order down some and the like. I had foolishly hoped someone wiser then Eden knew a safe mod list haha. The search for a stable wasteland adventure never ends hahah. I know a lot of them say its safe to overwrite Xml this or that, but so confusing to me.


I shall alter the list and update when I've seen what happens.

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I have removed all of the robco mods, reloaded, did a cell purge and so on. Was able to save normally once, and two quick saves. After exiting the save, attempted fast travel to megaton. That went off well, but in a return fast travel to RobCo grounds and an attempt to save, immediate CTD. Attempted again, trying to entrer the building alone is enough to CTD. Argh. I am a failure of a nerd. Removed about 14-16 mods I think all told. I am just, argh. I feel all the dumb right now about this. If there is some kind of a master compatibility mod list patch, sorcerery witch doctor juju, can someone let me know.

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I counted 152 files in your load order and if you only removed 16, that leaves you still over the operational limit.


If you are running any mods or files that do not show up in the load order, this will also have an effect. I currently have 120 load order files and if I add any more, strange things start to happen.

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Hm. Well there were sveral mods that even though they were installed, seemed not to actually Do anything. I've started taking them out, like the MegaK hud just won't work. I removed the dark hud icons mod as well, and several others which I beleive were duplicating effects like pipboy lights and lights from otther mods along with night vision

Still figuring it out. I am sadly though considering it a borked game and considering following some intput on installing FWE + that high def beauty project thing, and then installing all the mods before I even leave the vault instead of thinking randomly of what would be intersesting and as much as powered powered armour was fun, i removed it in favor of that single helm/power armour mod. I may just have to start over. If I knew anything about merging the files into a logical order to say turn several mods into one, I would. Such things are beyond me sadly. Sucks too. So many fun and really well done things and yet mod limits. But that's the gamble of course. Still figuring out what to do. I also beleive the music is part of it.


There have been several times that the opening music continues to play and keeps playing even while in world, and the moment I save/enter a new celll it hangs up and crashes out while looping the music. What this has to do with the CTD I am utterly unaware of.

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I have had the opening music continue when the game starts in the wasteland. I have found that if you open the pipboy and activate any radio station then deactivate it, the music returns to the standard background music.


I would like to direct you attention to this item: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/652876-fallout-3-modding-and-you/


Unless you need a mod to start while you are still in the vault, it would be better to go through the opening scenes and make a save in the escape tunnel. You can then start adding mods and make another save when you enter the wasteland.


Keep in mind that the tutorial was made before any mods were made and some mods (like FWE) will interfere with the tutorial. I found that I could not advance past the birth scene while FWE was active. I do have a companion mod that needs to be active before exiting the vault. I made a save just before the birthday party and activated that mod.

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I sourced my conflict to 4 possible locations.

1. I had 3 separate light mods running that all changed the same thing. Disabled them down to a single one now that will have to suffice. 3 different mods for the pipboy light do not a happy light make.


As a side note to this I had two light source mods running as well in megaton if I read it right, and I had multiple environmental mods/terrain mods running at once.


2. I had two megaton house mods running at once, hello conflict. Turns out neither was actually working.


3. I had installed several mods that needed a master mod of some kind, in this case CALIBR I guess.


4. Adding mods as I went through the game instead of adding them at or near the start prior to it loading. Since adding/changing mods around is probably what corrupted the save itself at this point because of missing or broken dependency files.


Removed all of it. Starting over clean I am now just past shooting Burke, defusing the bomb, getting the house in Megaton. Have not done the wasteland survival quest or left the area around Megaton yet. Just talked to Mr Saloon Ripoff artist.


If anyone has suggestions I would like to at this point mod my megaton house to be larger/more things to add into it. I am also curious about any kind of a better compass mod. LIke to say turn it into a radar style sweep or anything more then that line with colored lines.


I would also like to be able to change the robots in the house to something else. I had a mod installed that was supposed to have a button for it, did not work. failing that a better retexture?


I'd really like to add the robot facility mod back in to build my own robots but I believe it being in Jerichos house was causing conflict too.



Here is my current stripped down modlist.

Anything else which I can add which will give more, more-ness, to the game I am open to suggestions.



Here is my current stripped down modlist.

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Edited by LeopoldGarrity
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I do have a couple of questions here. Why on earth are you using such an old FOMM? The current version is


Your load order is such a mess that I am surprised the starts at all. All master files (.esm) must load before and plugins (.esp). The only exception would be .esp files flagged as .esm.


I suggest you download and run B.O.S.S. to sort your load order. https://github.com/boss-developers/boss/releases/tag/v2.3.2

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