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Bethesda Have Rights To STALKER, Claims Galyonkin


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As much as I love Bethesda, I don't want my Stalker to be dumbed down one little bit.

Seriously, why Bethesda? I don't get it :ohdear:


Like people in the comments said, the eastern charm in the Stalker series is ruined if Bethesda takes over. :facepalm:

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why would Bethesda give BGS the Stalker series? they make fallout, Stalker would be pointless. if anything they'll give it to another developer.....


and let them ruin it, nobody likes sequels anyways

Edited by hector530
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Cmon people, if it isnt bethesda the game wont be made anyway.

The worst case scenario, we just ignore it and never speak of it again.

The best possible scenario, and the one im hoping for, they use they vast resorces to make it a better game than it previously was.

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Cmon people, if it isnt bethesda the game wont be made anyway.

The worst case scenario, we just ignore it and never speak of it again.

The best possible scenario, and the one im hoping for, they use they vast resorces to make it a better game than it previously was.


STALKER is a good game as it is. No need for Bethesda to get their hands on the franchise.

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Cmon people, if it isnt bethesda the game wont be made anyway.

The worst case scenario, we just ignore it and never speak of it again.

The best possible scenario, and the one im hoping for, they use they vast resorces to make it a better game than it previously was.


no, worst case scenario is bethesda game stuidos gets it and we wait longer for TES games and fallout games and a BGS STALKER game would be a lot like fallout would.


best case scenario, bethesda gives it to some other developer. they do ok, make a fun and it sells well. internet still hates it because the name "Bethesda" shows up at the start. edit: like FO:NV

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Cmon people, if it isnt bethesda the game wont be made anyway.

The worst case scenario, we just ignore it and never speak of it again.

The best possible scenario, and the one im hoping for, they use they vast resorces to make it a better game than it previously was.


There are plenty of other publishers out there, Beth already has Fallout and look how it turned out compared to it's predessors (yes it is a huge change). 2K, THQ, Rockstar, SE, even EA (yes I am serious, they'll have shoddy marketing but they have good developers) could have bought the rights and I wouldn't have cared. Beth hasn't pubished a good game yet, this will turn out into a TES clone.

Edited by brokenergy
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It's been announced that Bethesda have not gained the rights to STALKER. This rumour was floating around a while back and just like then, it's just a rumour.




That said, Bethesda making a stalker game would be terrible. I don't want fast travel and perks in my stalker...

Edited by katashy
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