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Your Army ( oblvion)


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I already have an Oblivion army the Knights Templar.


Judges: 80 heavy armored knights with holy powers wielding Sword, claymore, and shield. Lead by Judge Magister Alexi


Chaplains: 50 heavy armored soldiers specializing in crushing the enemy with brute strength. They take a beating and beat back harder. Sub division of the judges they have the same powers and wield massive maces and large shields. They are lead by Caserian Thuul


Inquisitors: 30 medium armored psychics specialized for defensive combat wielding spears. lead by Inquisitor Nyme


Grey Knights: 20 Heavy armored Inquisitors specializing in offensive combat. lead by Davian Serk


Seraphim: 15 Angelic Knights with powerful holy powers, superior training, and heavy armor. Their powers include divine protection, healing, and resurrection. They wield sword and shield. lead by Hadreal arch angel of battle.


Wardens: 55 A light armored group of all female soldiers trained for espionage. They weild throwing daggers and weapon called a fanblade. Lead by Chief Warden Maiva.


Pale Knights: The 4 leaders of the Templar, Aeil, Tybalt, Hrol, and Aenna. Imbued with holy angelic powers they're the avatars of the arch angels of war each posessing unique powers simallar to those of their angel counterparts.


The actual templar numbers are at 20 NPCs they're all basically judges. I do have Davian Serk and Caserian Thuul created along with 2 grey knights and 3 chaplains.


I've created a small castle north of cloud ruler temple that houses the Templar army. The Plae Knights and the templars duty is to protect those who cannot protect themselves and to uphold the law both of the realm and the laws set by the makers. They protect balance and preserve the order of the world.

Judge armor: Recolored Imperial palace armor white with gold trim. Beefed up silver weapons

Chaplain armor: Recreation of the armor used by the Chaplains of Warhammer 40k. Equiped with a massive tower shield and mace.

Inquisitor armor: Recolored black elven armor with a recreation of the spear of bitter mercy.

Grey Knights: Currently using beefed up legion armor but I'm hoping to eventually get a recreation of the Grey Knights from 40k made. Same spear as the Inquisitors

Seraphim: Self enchanted recreation of the lpotd armor with glowing blue whiteish wings aptly renamed Seraphim armor. Weapons are enchanted versions of the dragon claw sword made by Jojjo.

Warden armor: Currently just the dark brotherhood armor but hopefully my friend will make an armor simaller to the one armor Maiev Shadowsong wears which is where my insperation for the warden armor came from.


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tehehe, i must be really evil then, coz i would hire the limit of 250 soldiers in an army just to slaughter them all and loot them for armour, potions, gold and e.t.c. Also really good assasination practice when there's 250. :devil: Oh man, i'm gonna have to hire some really good cleaners afterward, just to clean up all the blood :(
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  • 6 months later...


dwarven ( i mean they must be powerful and intelligent )


wearing dwarven lol


i would have a castle and apart from u saying not attacking i would attack the empire claiming town by town untill theres only the capital standing

(imperial city)

then with my massive army that should increase because i conquered those towns i will be the new king of cyridle

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My army can't be taken out of Oblivion you say? Well, I guess I will have to just conquer the realms of all the bad daedra lords. I will start with Mehrunes Dagon's realm, then I think I might move on to the realm of Malacath and the realm of Molag Baal. After that I will decide which other daedra lords are the most detestable.


I want my army to be made of 250 player characters. Given enough time, one player character can kill 1000 NPCs or creatures. My army will easily be able to subdue the armies of Oblivion, even if it is made of 250,000 monsters.


My army will be a rather motley crew. There will be no dress code, and all character classes are welcome. Player characters are highly individualistic. I am sure there will be warriors, mages, lots and lots of battlemages and spellswords, and a few theives and members of other classes.


I think I will remodel the tallest sigil keep I can find and make it my castle, unless I conquer some realm of Oblivion with a nicer climate. I will also need my own Oblivion gate so I can go visit Tamriel when I feel like it. But if Martin and that stupid "Hero of Kvatch" fellow have their way, I will be stuck in Oblivion. The people of Tamriel will probably start calling me Mehrunes Dagon, but I will try to have a better reputation than he did.

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Good question. Maybe hunt down some kobolds and afterward dominate Cyrodiil all in the while planning to take the Oblivion realms themselves. The problem is There are very few things to do with an army in the game, except creating another army to face yours. What eventually could turn Oblivion into a somewhat poor RTS.
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but, you have quite a big problem, why because


I RULE THE VOID, a 1ftX1ft Crate floating some where near Aldmeris.

I rule the Void with

-1 million goblins, split into 500 tribes.

-10,000 Imperial knights, from the Order of the Dragon.

with the Neravarine and Dagoth Ur leading them and me lead the horde.


So gather ye armies and we'll have a war in The Crate that I bought for $1.

The winner get Lorkhan's Soul.

If you have read a book somewhere in Oblivion, it says somewhere in there that Oblivion, Nirn and Atherius, but I will sell Akaviri for something.

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Nordic army

plate armor and mail

axes and pole arms

all will fall to power of the north

extermination, conquest, faith...



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