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MGSO technical issues


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Alright, so I recently decided to get back into Morrowind and so I of course went in search of mods and came across the Morrownd Graphics and Sound Overhaul. I am fairly experienced with modding over a wide range of games (oblivion, civ, the total war series and the like) and typically have no issues. However, when I installed MGSO the graphic extender part of it appears to have frozen my computer despite everything being very smooth up to that point (I left it on several hours and never regained control of my mouse and keyboard) and in response I rebooted. Upon restarting and attempting to reinstall the mod I found I could not (Line 3866 (File "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\Common\Morrowind\MOInstaller.exe"): Error: Subscript used with non-Array variable.) but my real issue is that the game cannot start right now and, especially problematic, cannot actually be uninstalled; although i can remove local content with steam I cannot actually uninstall the game and thus get rid of the of the half loaded mod. The error that appears when I attempt to uninstall is "The Install Shield iKernel could not be launched. %1 could not be found). As you can see I am in quite a dilemma, I cannot fully remove the mod files from this installation, I cannot uninstall, and the game does not work in its current form as it requests that I configure MGSO even though I cannot. I would greatly appreciate any help on this as my own searches have turned up fruitless.


Additional Information: Windows XP, Installed via steam, competent but not great computer (I can give specs if it is relevant)

Edited by AlfredDebois
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I use both Morrowind GOTY and Oblivion, but there is one issue that people fail to take into account.


Remember that Morrowind was Bethesda's FIRST foray into the windows system. prior to that it had all been on MS/DOS. Yes I know the graphics aren't as good as they could be; however you have a great storyline. If you can I suggest removing MGSO and just play the game as it is, and make your mods to suit that. If not I suggest removing all traces from your machine and then defrag it. Reboot and , DON'T use any other programmes like MGSE or MGSO.


Granted by the time Oblivion came out there were vast improvements in the graphics, though the storyline suffered. To be honest, instead of trying to make an old game similar to Oblivion, just play it as it is.

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The install thing sounds problematic. Have you tried just deleting all the files manually and having Steam validate the game cache?


As for the bug itself, it could be a Steam thing. I use it with the disk GOTY and have no difficulties. Did you have a vanilla Morrowind install? That's strongly recommended. I tried without a vanilla Morrowind install once and I kept running into invisible walls. -_-

You can certainly use it with separate mods; I use several. You just have to be careful that they don't conflict, and other mods you intend to use should be installed carefully after MGSO.


Also, make sure you're using MGE XE in the advanced configuration options for MGSO. As far as I know, that's the best and newest version, and it's the version I use. Alternatively, you could try reinstalling Morrowind, only installing MGE XE, and check if that works. If it does, then the problem is probably not an unavoidable one. If it doesn't work, I would have to assume that MGE XE takes issue with either your specific hardware configuration, or with Steam.


If MGE XE doesn't work in any capacity, I would recommend trying a different version of MGE. You'll miss out on some of the more advanced effects, but it'd still be a vast graphical improvement over vanilla. If no version of MGE works, or no version with sufficient graphical improvements for your taste, I would recommend getting a physical version of Morrowind, if possible.



Admirable from a fan's objective perspective of the series, but not very helpful to the OP in this case.

Edited by Rennn
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