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Question re Wyre Bash, and reactivating mods.


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Hi Guys.


So I'm TRYING to make the most stable modded game possible. By adding, and testing only a few mods at a time. Once all I want were added, bar a few, I ran them through LOOT to find any dirty mods. Then cleaned via SSEdit.


Then created a bashed patch through Wyre Bash. I noticed that Wyre Bash turned off some mods that I wanted, I understand it turning off leveled list mods. As it'll merge these into the BP. Not entirely sure why mods like Ordinator, and Alternate Start were turned off.


Is it safe to reactivate mods that WB turned off?


Thanks in advance.


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If Wrye Bash deactivates a mod because it is integrated into the bashed patch (mod marked in green in WB, but disabled), you should leave those plugins disabled. Otherwise you could have "double data", which might cause issues.


I can understand that you feel uncomfortable about disabling major overhaul mods like Ordinator or Alternate Start. I feel the same...


But you still should either leave mods that WB wants to be disabled the way they are - or tell WB not to disable them. There are different ways to tell WB what you want to be disabled and what not. Easiest way would be to manually re-activate the mods in question, then rebuild the bashed patch. You should see a screen asking you to deactivate certain mods. If you uncheck the mods you don't want to be disabled, WB won't do that.

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There are a few mods that I'm suprised that WB is deactivating. Also while I'm on the subject of WB, it's a pretty new program to me. Yeah I know. I SHOULD be fully upto speed on it.


When launching WB through MO, I notice that it's switching off ALOT of mods in the left pane. Even before creating a bashed patch. Some of these mods are pretty important to my game setup. Why would WB be turning these off, and can I reactivate them. If so, where is best to reactivate. Within WB, before the Bashed Patch is created, or within MO AFTER creating the BP?


Sorry for all the newbie questions LOL.

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You mean the left pane of Mod Organiser?

So Wrye Bash is deactivating mods in the left pane of MO? That doesn't sound right. Only ESPs should be deactivated by wrye bash as far as I know


Or did you mean the left pane of wrye bash? If they are deactivated in wrye bash I would assume that means they are deactivated ESPs in the right pane of Mod Organiser.

Edited by QuagaarWarrior
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re-enable all of your mods (in another mod manager that is not wrye bash), then go into wrye bash, rebuild patch, when it asks to merge, click on skip


now untick the Boxes that says Merged Patches, Import Inventory, Tweak Settings - so basically the only thing that is being merged is Leveled Lists, this will in turn prevent duplicate records and allows you to re-enable all of your mods that it disabled.


this will disable Wyre Bash merging of Plugins that are not Leveled Lists


1 thing to note: the mods it asks to merge are primarily Patches for mods. so theoretically these should be fine to merged, as long as they are in the correct place in the load order, as the bash patch will still use the Load Order i believe.

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