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Please, tell me this is not true!


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Sorry, Peregrine, but... shouldn't then the thread "Questions about the movie" be in Off Topic too? I mean no criticism by this, I just want to know what the difference is and what I did wrong so I shall not do it again :) Sorry again for

the inconvenience.

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Hello, petitiononline.com!! Petition Tolkien Enterprises or Tolkien Estate to not give/take back the rights.......


W/E. If they want to, and can get the rights to do so, whatever. I won't go see it. [Especially since I'm about twenty-five thousand miles of water away from it.]

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Go on and see for yourselves... I don't like the idea of a musical based on

LOTR... somehow it doesn't seem the right genre, it's like making an epic poem out of Grease! :blink:

Didn't the epic poem originate in Grease? :lol: Damn that spell-checker!


Who cares whether there is an all singing all dancing LOTR? If you don't like the idea don't go and see it. Mind you half of the songs are probably plagiarised -


If you go down to Mirk Wood today

Your sure of a big surprise


We dream of Gandalf with the long white hair


On the fifth day of Christmas dear Bilbo left for me 'One Golden Ring', Four hobbit youths, three Elven lords, two evil towers and a strange walking talking kind of tree.


Well, you get the idea.

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