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anything help with the lag ? :D


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Do you mean a gtx 1060? How do you even have lag? Check to see if you have any lag on a new game. If you do have lag, then go through the basic steps for troubleshooting your graphics card. You can just google this. Things like reinstalling your drivers. You can also search for "lag on skyrim 1060" to see if its a bug of some sort or setting that needs to be changed.


edit - oh, and if you don't have lag on a new game, then your saved game may be having issues with too many scripts/plugins running over time. Not sure how to fix this though

Edited by Xellon100
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Multiple reasons can cause the lag..took me ages to reduce mine with a 1060gtx. if its a 3gb version..time for an upgrade. But mods and load order are a big part.personally i dont use the ussep it breaks my game every time..im runningt 248 active plugins and took ages to get things nice and stable, trial and error..

Edited by ZMD78
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Potential Solutions:


Download these 2 mods below, and be sure to read their Requirements


SSE Engine Fixes: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17230


SSE Fixes: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/10547



Skyrim Launcher:



Disable Godrays


Lower Shadow Quality


Lower Shadow Distance


Disable SSAO


Change Anti-aliasing to Fxaa




Nvidia Control Panel:



Right Click on Desktop - Select Nvidia Control Panel - Manage 3d Settings - Program Settings, Select Skyrim SE from the Drop Down Box now Proceed Below:


Power Management Mode: Set to, Prefer Maximum Performance


Verticle Sync: Set to, Off







Open Enbseries.ini


EnableAmbientOcclusion=true - (Change to: False) - (Note: Heavy Performance Impact)


All other settings have varying Performance impact, but Ambient Occlusion is the most heavy on performance.




Additional Solutions



you will want to Completely Disable Vsync and Enable a Framerate Limiter Instead


if you are running borderless Windowed, change to Fullscreen. in my experience nvidia cards does not like borderless windowed in any game, it runs much better when the game is run in fullscreen mode.


If Your GPU Only has 3GB Vram, you are going to be very limited, strongly Recommend staying away from 4K Mods, as 4k Resolution textures eat a lot of Vram, my game is consistantly hovering around 7GB Vram Usage, and that is a game with a lot of 4K Textures as well as Ultra Settings ENBs


Heavily Scripted mods setups will impact performance and stability heavily. as well as Grass and Tree Overhaul Mods




Note: For Further Assistance we will need to see what mods you have.

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