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How Many Mods Has This Guy 'Stolen'.


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So how can you be certain it's a copy-paste act, I mean perhaps both modders attempted to add the same thing based on existing examples (the in-game roads) and it therefor turned out the same?


Well, anything's possible. But the exact same result, to the extent it's the exact same main file with the exact same add-on features? Imo, the odds are close to zero.


IcePenguin confirmed it as a copy.

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I agree with what is stated in this thread, but question the usefulness of the poll.

Who would truly have any opinion other than "hate them" ánd be willing to be known for it?

Other than a few trolls or rebels...

So how can you be certain it's a copy-paste act, I mean perhaps both modders attempted to add the same thing based on existing examples (the in-game roads) and it therefor turned out the same?

Though it does seem suspicious to me how swiftly all those comments disappeared that were on the alleged thief's mod-page.


I looked for a 'privacy' button for the poll but couldn't find one. You don't have to vote.


Now that it's been pointed out it is a bit ridiculous. I've removed the poll.

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Player Two has a link on his page to a steam wall that's gathering e-signatures to show support for this issue in hopes something will be done about it. (Not just this particular instance, but the mod-theft issue in general.)


You can get to the wall here


The wall has a couple other links to info & discussion threads.

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IcePenguin confirmed it as a copy.

Other posters' comments, as well as the alleged copycat's tendency to remove comments have persuaded me, but IcePenguin's claim and copy-paste argument doesn't defeat my suggestion that both authors could've yielded the same result due to the relative simplicity of their goal (drawing in existing roads).

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Wow... You have to be pretty pathetic to bask in praise that you can't earn yourself. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/rolleyes.gif


If Steam isn't going to look after the interests of mod authors, then why should mod authors contribute to Steam's interests by stocking their Workshop with mods?


In my view, this lack of timely enforcement by Steam staff to deal with plagiarists is a good reason why mod authors should avoid publishing via the Steam Workshop.

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Steam has policies, but they don't enforce it as effectively as they should.


Unless you happen to be cheating in one of their games. In that case, they'll ban you without a second thought.


As a tip for the future: Don't warn nor tell people when or if you plan to report them. Just report them and move on. Nothing good ever comes from reporting them. You may think you're "helping" by telling them what they did is wrong but these people already know that and most of them really don't care.

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As a tip for the future: Don't warn nor tell people when or if you plan to report them. Just report them and move on. Nothing good ever comes from reporting them. You may think you're "helping" by telling them what they did is wrong but these people already know that and most of them really don't care.


Well, it does give them a chance to publicly defend themselves and say something like "no you prat, if you knew anything about it you'd see that mine is different because of this, that or the other thing ... etc" or even, if coincidence lightning did actually strike, reply with something like "hey you jackass, it just so happens that, yes, I ended up with what looks like on the surface as the same work as that guy from the nexus. It's pure coincidence. I could show you the difference in my files but who the hell are you anyways?! I'll wait until when/if I have to do that with the WS moderators who will then see that I'm telling the truth. Until then, screw you!"


Rather than just deleting every challenging comment without explanation. Which, to me, is kinda weird. I'd certainly defend myself if I'd been wrongly accused of thievery.


Especially in this case since, judging from the mod description and some of the comments defending the author, it seems to be a somewhat public issue already. Even before this thread.

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And hopefully the thieves gets their accounts banned from the workshop, that would be even more rewarding!


Doesn't happen unless they persist. Buckles uploaded stolen mods several times, and I'm not sure if he was eventually banned, but he wasn't the first couple times.

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