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How Many Mods Has This Guy 'Stolen'.


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IcePenguin confirmed it as a copy.

Other posters' comments, as well as the alleged copycat's tendency to remove comments have persuaded me, but IcePenguin's claim and copy-paste argument doesn't defeat my suggestion that both authors could've yielded the same result due to the relative simplicity of their goal (drawing in existing roads).


Good point.

But I'm not on about just one mod. There are several files on his/her workshop that are the same as other earlier mods, including the images showing the mod. There is no difference between them except for adding some text to the images. Two separate artists painting the Mona Lisa would not end up with two paintings exactly the same.

Edited by nonamenomad
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Plagarism/theft/infringement unfortunately occurs in every area of human creation or invention. Since we honor creationism and inventiveness we must always seek out and expose those who would take someone elses work and claim it as their own.



I am not a Mod author yet (working on it though). However some years ago I was the victim of this type of crime. I had to watch another person stand before a large audience and actually have a prestigious medal pinned on his chest for work that he had zero part in creating. It was all mine. But I failed to think I needed to protect my work because I didn't think anyone would do such a thing. I was wrong!



But we should also be careful here. If you don't have defentitive proof that someone commited a crime then you yourself are commiting a crime by defaming their character. And if you later discover that they didn't actually commit the crime you 'thought' they had commited it is too late to undo the damage already done to them. In this country we don't accuse someone of a crime we think they commited and then expect them to defend their innocence. In this country we are innocent until proven guilty.



My point is that we should make sure we use the correct procedure to combat Mod theft. We should use the reporting prodecures provided. Show support such as we see with 'player two' and sign a page or petition to get attention focused where it needs to be and motivate the people in authority to take action.



I personally use ice penguins Mod that has been allegedly stolen. If it turns out that it was indeed stolen then I think the consequences for such theft should be as severe as possible. If Steam allows such behaviour it will become something I am convinced they will eventually regret. Even though this type of crime occurs in all areas of creation and invention it is not considered as acceptable in society.


We should all remember that supporting Mod authors goes beyond just an endorsement. It also includes getting behind them when someone threatens or steals their work. We should also remember that witch hunts are not how we should support Mod authors and their work.

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I Just started reading this, and the more I read the more disgusted I feel! :sick:

What a sad irony indeed that Bethesda's UNHOLY marriage with Steam :pinch: :yucky: was supposed to reduce or stop piracy,

but instead enables it.

If Steam is to be staffed by ignorant brain-dead morons, then, simply TREAT them as such. NEVER upload a damn thing ever again to the likes of them! :verymad:

Granted, it may take a few centuries but they can't possibly ignore EVERYONE for long :whistling: .....they might try.....


I'm not sure if Dark0ne or any other Admins heard of this:

A couple of years ago, on one of the Oblivion mod sites, (I don't think it was the Nexus) one particular mod author (Sinbad? Sinblood? I forget) was so P----D that he actually and OPENLY "appropriated" a mod belonging to someone he accused of being a mod thief. He then deliberately and openly posted the mod on to the site under HIS own name, and wrote a blistering and scathing post basically invoking "an eye for an eye.....how does it feel?!?" :devil:

I sympathized with him, many frustrated modders supported him and others cautioned him as to being potentially banned himself....I have no idea what became of that dust-up.

I am useless with the CK myself, so I must offer moral support to those modders who have the talent and creativity that I RESPECT! \m/ :thumbsup:

Very kind regards, AmadanBezerk

Edited by AmadanBezerk
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Well, from Steams point of view, they only really care about stopping the piracy of money makers. Mods are free, so they don't care.


This is messed up, but it's the way most businesses works today. Sure, they eventually remove stolen mods to keep the fans at ease, but what's the rush? They probably get more users when there are stolen mods posted then when there aren't.


Just put yourself into their shoes, and you'll see that Steam is garbage.


I had to remove my mod from the Workshop last week because I couldn't update it, I kept getting Steam error 9, and they have no information or live support on this issue. Steam is one of the worst networks I've ever dealt with, period.

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I got this email from steam today:

Thank you for reporting content that violates the Steam Terms of Service or breaks the rules of the area in which it was submitted.


Because of your efforts, we've removed 2 more items from the Steam Community.


I reported the main theft mod (roads on map), and the removed clouds addon for it. :) And both have been removed!

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There is another issue here, as I understand it by publishing on Steam you give Bethesda the right to use your mod in paid for DLC which you will receive some compensation. So what happens if they include a stolen mod in some DLC and it then comes to light.


Even without this, it is breach of copyright and steam are enabling with lacklustre enforcement.

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There is another issue here, as I understand it by publishing on Steam you give Bethesda the right to use your mod in paid for DLC which you will receive some compensation. So what happens if they include a stolen mod in some DLC and it then comes to light.


Even without this, it is breach of copyright and steam are enabling with lacklustre enforcement.


Another reason not to upload on Steam. :facepalm:

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Received an email from Steam.


Quote :

Thank you for reporting content that violates the Steam Terms of Service or breaks the rules of the area in which it was submitted.


Because of your efforts, we've removed 2 more items from the Steam Community.


The Steam Support Team.

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There is another issue here, as I understand it by publishing on Steam you give Bethesda the right to use your mod in paid for DLC which you will receive some compensation. So what happens if they include a stolen mod in some DLC and it then comes to light.


Even without this, it is breach of copyright and steam are enabling with lacklustre enforcement.


Another reason not to upload on Steam. :facepalm:


Contact the original modder perhaps?

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