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Mods resetting themselves after loading last save. Mod limit reached?


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Hi Guys.


Okay so I THOUGHT I had created a pretty stable, mod heavy game. Until now......


After installing a few more mods, the existing mods have reset themselves in MCM. Just like they've just been installed.

Unfortunately I can't show my load order, as I'm on a different PC. Researching online, I've found this sometimes happens when you reach the mod limit of 255. I initially thought that the mod limit has been removed from SSE. I have seen videos on YouTube with over 1000 mods.


Am I right in thinking the limit has been removed, or does it still exist. If it does, would reaching the limit cause existing mods to reset themselves?


Thanks in advance


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their is only 1 reason i can think of why the mcm menus would reset and that is:


The Load Order has been changed in an active playthrough - this is caused by adding or removing mods in an active playthrough, this will cause issues on its own, 1 of which will be mcm configurations beeing reset.


Exceeding 255 mods without merge patches, is not possible, any esp or esm file(s) that exceeds 255 active plugins will be disabled by default (by all mod managers and the game itself). mod managers will treat ESL files as ESM files with regards to load order, and as such will disable any ESP file(s) that exceeds 255 active plugins. since ESL files are classed as Master Files, they will likewise always be loaded at the very top of the Load Order, as such they them selves will not be disabled, unless your entire load order only consists of ESL files.


1 thing to note: ESL File Format can only contain a maximum of 4096 Record Entries in total (this includes every single ESL file combined), that means you can only have as many ESL files it takes until you Reach a Total of 4096 Record Entries between them all. so say you have 2 ESL files and they both Contain 2048 Record Entries each, then you will have reached your total limit of ESL files as both Add Up to 4096 Record Entries, any ESL file added after that will do nothing.


4096 Record Entries is not a lot, it may seem like it, but it really is not, as that is your complete limit of esl files.


4096 Record Entries would be Equivalent to 2048 Weapons.which is quite a lot, but that will be the only ESL file you can have in your load order, all other ESL files will be made redundant.


ESP and ESM on the other Hand have a Practically Unlimited Record Entries Limit.


Example: My Workshop Mod for Fallout 4: Currently has 30k (30 Thousand) Record Entries, i could probably double or even tripple that, before i need to make another esp.


So Case In Point, the Limit is still their, the only way to bypass it, is through using ESL files, but even then, they them selves have a limit, so their will always be a limit to how many mods you can have.


the only way to have a ridiculous amount of mods is through the method of merging, which i strongly advise against, as that will make the game very unstable. but merging is not adding mods, its putting all mods into a single mod. but from a active plugin standpoint it will be greatly exceeding the limit visually. as their are those that currently have 1000 active plugins. i back in the oldrim days had 500 active plugins. which worked well, but i could tell how unstable it really was.

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I have merged a few mods myself, but these are only texture overhauls. I'm guessing it was adding the last few mods that caused it to go haywire...


It's a shame that it's not advisable to add mods mid play through, for fear of screwing up your load order. By that logic, every time you want to try out a new mod, you'll have to start a new game.


I'm desperately trying to get this game to be as stable as I can. Taken hours of installing, patching, and testing. Thought I was there. Along with that Wrye Bash issue, and struggling to clean my mods through SSEEdit, it seems to be taking forever.


The weird thing is in the past, when I've not been a carful with my modding, the games been great for months. Now I'm trying to put into practice what I've learned about modding, it seems to be having an sorts of strange issues.

My horse floated away the other night LMFAO...


Cheers for all your help.

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I suppose one way to reduce my mods is to use the profile feature of MO. At the moment, no matter what character I am playing, I have a few, I use the same mods. Even if they're not needed for that particular character.


Have the core mods installed, then just use the ones unique to the current player. Hunter mods for my hunter character. Vampire mods for my vampire. Etc.

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