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Dyndolod infinite loading screen


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System: Ryzen 2600X , 16gb ram, rtx 2070, game runs on an M.2 WD Black 256GB. There is plenty of space.

Using: SKSE, MO2, Wrye Bash.

LOOT Mod Order: https://paste.ee/p/bhQko




I just can't seem to get DynDOLOD to not cause me infinite loading screens. It might be because I am an idiot. Maybe. So here I come in hopes someone might be able to help me.


I am certain that DynDOLOD is the thing that causes me ILS(conflicts somehow with my mod list or I forgot something or I didnt know about something etc), as disabling it makes the game work smoothly(without CTDS or game breaking bugs, at least so far).


I followed GP guide. I disabled the bashed patches and ASIS esps prior to running DynDOLOD. ExpandedX64(something like this) is set to false. My crash fixes has UseOSAllocators=1. I did try to increase the heap size in the skse.ini file. I have the Indistinguishable Vanilla Trees Billboards in my mod list. I have the Majestic Mountains LOD(didnt have it before, doesnt seem to fix my issue by having it, can disable anytime, it is not the problem bringer, if there is only one problem bringer).


I ran DynDOLOD on High, and then on Medium.(still ILS)



In the attachments I have my load order and ini files.


Also here is a link to the DynDOLOD log(cant attach it, size limit):https://paste.ee/p/sfb94


The other logs in the folder where the dyndolod log was all ended with a return code of 0(which I assume, means succesful).


I believe the troublemaker to be some missing tree billboard or some patch, but I am too dumb to read the Logs and actually understand what needs to be ignored and what needs to be considered. Pls help :sad:

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They were around ~250 esps running at the same time. It's Oldrim. The bashed patch takes care of some. I don't need help anymore as I restarted from scratch, being more careful and all, not smashing mods into my game like a madman.

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