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Bug? "Cleared" on map but enemies remain


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Has anyone else encountered this problem? In the last few days, when I'm partly done with a dungeon, fort, etc. the map will display the location as (Cleared).


Since I'm a sneak-and-snipe type character, this is good, because I can then stop sneaking and unequip my bow. Makes my walking speed much faster. But it's not cleared. Almost got owned by some random Forsworn because my companion and I came strolling into his room completely exposed and unarmed. Counted seven enemies still alive after cleared tag in another dungeon.


Is it just my game, or anyone else? Any fix suggestions?

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From what I can tell from having read a few interwebz snippets about this, the "cleared" status occurs when you've killed the boss or quest-important inhabitants (often the same I guess). It might also have something to do with grabbing any quest item that's in there, but I'm not sure.


But I don't think it means "cleared" in the sense that you can put away your weapon and stroll through the exit.

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Thanks all for your replies, but I'm still confused. I'm aware that people will eventually "move into" a previously cleared site over time, but this happens when I'm still inside on the first visit. The cleared tag would come from a script, but why would the script run when the site isn't clear?


But most importantly for me, this seems to be newly occuring only this week. Previously, it seems the cleared message only appeared when the last man/creature died.

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kevkiev already explained you why this happens. The Cleared-status will show up whenever you've slain the main boss in the location. It doesn't matter how many "minor" enemies you have left behind as long as they're not bosses or important ones for your current quest. I think it's always been this way, since I used to wonder the same thing when I started playing in the first place.
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Most dungeons have a quest related to them, usually involving a "boss" actor. You kill the boss, you clear the dungeon. Some dungeons work completely differently, though. Some quests only need you to loot a certain chest or to enter a certain trigger box. Anything can "clear" a dungeon, is what I'm saying here. It doesn't necessarily mean anything.
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