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Mod Request - Ice wraith thrall


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i could do this no probs


what conditions would you like:


Conjuration Level: Novice, Apprentice, Adept, Expert, Master


Spell Type: Normal Conjuration Spell (summon it just like any other conjuration spell), Greater Power (Can only Summon Once Per Day, will summon regardless of magicka or skill), Lesser Power (Can Summon Indefinitely, regardless of magicka or skill)


What Level do you want it to be (this will modify its stats):


and lastly, how do you want to get it (the Spelltome): Leveled Lists, Placed in a Specific Location, or Given to a Specfic Vendor, such as the 1 that teaches you master level conjuration spell (College of Winterhold)


or have the spell added directly to a race of your choosing, this will then add the spell to you straight from a new game as a racial skill.



Note: if you want it to have specific Attributes (Health, Magicka and Stamina) aswell as Attack Damage let me know.


let me know how you envision your Ice Wraith and i will go ahead and create it.

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