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How to use a "vanilla" mech mod?


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So I've been looking around and I've found 2 of my favorite mechs of all time, the Warhammer and MadCat IIC available as "vanilla" mods for BattleTech. I assume that "vanilla" means I don't have to run a complete mod system, which is what I am trying to avoid. That being said, I haven't been able to find anything that tells me now to install (and verify it's working) these "vanilla" mods. Any assistance would be appreciated, thank you in advance!

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Its simple, if you have modtek already installed, just drag the Mech data for example MadCatII into the "mod" folder,

thats all :)


If you want to check that it works, simply start a new game after you have altered the "SimGameConstrants" data and change the starting mech lance mechs to for example the MCII .

for example the mechdef of the Spider to the mechdef of the MadCat.

if it works, ... thats all.

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Its simple, if you have modtek already installed, just drag the Mech data for example MadCatII into the "mod" folder,

thats all :smile:


Thank you for the reply!


My next question is where should the "mod" folder reside? I've searched my BATTLETECH install path (D:\Program Files\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\BATTLETECH), but one did not exist. I tried placing the "mod" folder in the "...\BATTLETECH\" install directory, and also tried placing it in "...\BATTLETECH\BattleTech_Data\StreamingAssets\data\" with no success.

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