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Immersive first person, Joy of Perspective, Enhanced Camera


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i prefer Immersive First Person View by Meh321


with a bit a tweaking, it works perfectly for me and since it uses the third person camera as a first person camera, that means it does not require patches for custom armors, which in turn means more mods for you.


joy of perspective requires patches to work with custom armors, which in itself means less mods for you.


as a hardcore modder myself, i prefer more mods, which means patches for mods = less mods for me.


with a bit of tweaking to Immersive First Person View Settings, it will offer the same benefits as Joy of Perspective, with less hassle (as you only need to edit a single setting, rather then download multiples of patches).


it is essentially the same as Enhanced Camera for Oldrim, which was the Best of its kind (General Consesus), and still makes me wonder why Joy of Perspective was ported over Rather then Enhanced Camera.


Either way, Immersive first person view, literally just works (after a bit of tweaking to its settings).


so to answer the question:



Immersive First Person View - Pros: offers first person view - Cons: Requires a bit of tweaking (Via User Input, however this is a minor con, and can be remedied quickly and easy, providing you know what to edit)


Joy of Perspecitive - Pros: offers first person view - Cons: Requires Patches for Custom Armor and Clothing


Enhanced Camera - Pros: offers first person view - Cons: Requires Porting



For Oldrim: Enhanced Camera works straight out of the box, making it the best of its kind as it will literally be plug and play requiring no user input.


Note: Immersive First Person View, does have its requirements however, but its requirements are not active plugins so thats why i did not include it as a con.

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Reason why I created this topic was because I am using IPFV so far and didnt understand what people in the oldrim threads were saying when arguing against IPFV .. and because I guess there is a port of Enhanced Camera (more or less.. I suppose).. its listed on LL as one of the mods that need to be updated because of the new SKSE update


..what tweaking does IPFV need? I realized 3 things that slightly bugged me but guess it was normal because.... dont know..

1. Clipping near shoulders/no visible shoulders

2. Inconsistent angle (walking forward moves the camera forward, moving backwards moves it backwards)

3. arm position changes when opening loot with weapons out (altough I cant remember if this also exists without the mod..)

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1. Caused by using a Higher FOV then Default, and Sneaking, however this does not really bother me that much (i am using Customizable Camera Mod, which basically fixes this issue or at the very least makes it less of an issue)


2. this is Fixed by changing this line in the IPFV.Config: StabilizeHistoryDuration = 0.0 (Change to 20.0) assuming you are using a mod that gives your character 360 animations, and thus makes the 1st person camera spin around when moving backwards, otherwise, customizable camera and 3rd person camera overhaul fixes this issue completely.


2a: Go here = C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\NetScriptFramework\Plugins - and open IPFV.Config (and search for StabilizeHistoryDuration)


3. I Don't Experience this issue, as i use Quickloot RE

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