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Mods for HD textures - not needed any more?


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Browsing mods, I happen to find HD texture mods from time to time.

As there is the free HD texture DLC on Steam - is it true, that I don't need any HD texture mod?


I'm wondering, because I found a neat additional armor which requires a special texture mod.

Do I really need that mod, or is the Steam DLC enough?

Edited by Nuracus
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Not necessarily. There are plenty of retextures that are a bit different in style than the vanilla textures provided by Bethesda's DLC. It should also be noted that there are some textures, such as spider webs, that are unaffected by the HD Texture Pack.


As for the armor mod, I would follow the author's direction and get the additional texture.

Edited by Hrafn2112
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