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How is the new 1.7 patch update working


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Just wanted to know from those who have updated to patch 1.7 how their game is running. Have been reading bits and pieces in other forums on the patch were some say it has broke their game and others saying their game is working just fine. Figured I would wait to see what is posted on this topic before taking the plunge and updating to 1.7.
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Every time a patch comes out, it overrides my changes to .ini files and graphics settings to what it thinks I should use. Once I figured that out, patches have been fine, I just have to go in and reset everything. I think it also may affect the way texture mods are loaded....using alphabetical order and not downloading order, but I'm not certain about that. I have had some weird texture issues every time that I was able to solve by reloading my texture mods and overwriting in the way I want them.
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I rolled back to 1.6. 1.7 seemed slightly less stable with my 250 mod configuration. I don't have DG, so that doesn't factor into it. I know a number of people have rolled back to 1.6. Save your 1.6 executable so you can roll back easily if you have any degradation.
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works fine for me. i just had to run BOSS after patching to 1.7.

With my over 100 mods it runs good.

since the patch i have much more fps. even after readjusting my ini file. and not one crash since the patch.

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