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Message to whiterun -> battle of whiterun bug


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Ive been following the questline fo the stormcloaks to liberate skyrim of the Imperials. But I cant continue with the quest line.

Ive sent the axe to the jarl of whiterun and he talked to his court and retuerned the ax to me. Then I reteurn to jarl Ulfric and he takes the axe from me.

he talks to the stone first dude (forgot his name) And then ive completed the objective ''Wait for Ulfric's orders'' but the quest is not yet finished.

The he keeps walking up to me and starts a normal dialogue, not the one to proceed to the next quest which is ''Battle for whiterun''


Ive tried the following:

Some console commands to force the quest to finish such as setstage CW03 240

I tried to forcefully give me the Battle for whiterun quest using setstage CWSiegeObj 1 . But this did nothing

Ive also tried to load some saves and tried it again withotu any results. Ive seen many people having trouble with this and having the quest season unending at the same time.

But ive completed the main quest line even before tralking to jarl Ulfric.


Ive searched the internet now for houres without results.


Any help would be gladly appriciated.


(sorry for bad English)

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  • 1 month later...

Try the reset AI command (I think it's 'resetAI') on Ulfric, or leave the area and wait 4 in game days and come back. It's usually better to wait farther away (Riverwood's always a nice place). The game seems to automatically check and reset the AI every few days. Sometimes I've had it work in just one day, others it takes 4, so just do 4 in one go to save you the hassle of moving back and forth!


Hope that helps.

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This was a bug from the Skyrim 1.6 patch that would fix itself if you left the room. The Skyrim 1.7 patch fixed this issue. I'd say the original post is just a necro thread and the bump is someone who needs to update their game.
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  • 1 month later...

Old dead thread, I'm aware.


Very annoyed with this.

4 separate saves all at different stages of MQ and Ulfric just breaks and starts spewing garbage about the war instead of progressing any quest objectives at stage 230 of CW03 Message to Whiterun.

I was able to complete with console like others mentioned.

And I was even able to get CWSiegeObj to complete by setting objectives done by quest objective index numbers... and I noticed then in console it said objective complete Tullius is killed.


Then CWObj started "Liberation of Skyrim"

Report to Ulfric

Guess what! More broken dialog. He even still talks about liberating Whiterun which is now marked complete.

None of the stages seem to exist for CWObj... Every stage listed on UESPwiki returns stage doesn't exist...

I've tried waiting an hour, leaving the Palace and coming back in, waited a whole week in Falkreth and returning, reset ai, resurrect Ulfric, killed (essential kneel) Ulfric and sheathed weapon, disabled mods on and on and on.

Oh and Skyrim version is 1.7

Feeling extremely disgusted about now...

I've heard that stupid speech from bear head about Ulfric being the man to give the difficult order to invade Whiterun until I'm blue in the face!

I get the feeling this will never be fixed by Beth

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Wow, don't even bother opening a ticket with Bethesda.

For few email exchanges I was convinced I was communicating with an actual person.

But with the past 2 nonsense responses that had nothing to do with anything I'd stated I firmly believe I'm being helped by a bot...


Starting to seem like forgetting the Civil war ever progresses any farther than simply declaring war on Whiterun would be easier and better than continue to try to solve this.


In other news on this problem...

I've looked through TESedit thoroughly...

Of the mods I'm running the only ones that make any change to these 3 things:

1. Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak

2. CW03 "Quest message to Whiterun"

3. Map room scene for CW03 where the Jarl and Bear head guy talk


Skyrim -> Update.esm -> Unofficial Skyrim Patch

In that order

Disabling USP and making a clean save doesn't fix the issue, and I'm certain as many people as there are that use USP... if it caused it we'd have a fix in the mod community. As many characters as I have with this issue I'm thinking I must just be EXTREMELY unlucky or have corrupted game files.

Backing up .ini files and running steam game file checker whatever they call the thing next...

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