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Important Question for Modders And Knowledgeable Users


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I've done everything mentioned so far, and nothing has helped yet.


I have had it work smoothly before. I notice that I don't get any issues at all if I don't run ANY MODS at all and just the Vanilla Game. But the Vanilla Game is ugly and atrociously awkward to me. I don't use any heavy mods though, but I do have a lot of mods, mostly script changes though, with SKSE and SkyUI, nothing too outrageous anymore.


Yeah, I'm not sure why this graphics card is in this computer, it was labeled as a Gaming Computer from a Gaming Computer Manufacturer... and was bought directly from them. It's one of the poorman gaming PC's. They always use cards that aren't really for gaming. However, I have a hard time believing that my graphics card could ever be an issue considering Skyrim is mostly CPU heavy, because it was designed for Consoles, and Consoles have a beast CPU, and a s*** GPU, and it's opposite for computers, most of the time, from what I gather on the net doing a Google Search.


I run at the max resolution that my monitor will support. I kind of mismatched things, so instead of using the monitor that came with the computer, I bought an Alienware Monitor, which works really well with my system, and right now the only game I can't play smoothly, without having to compromise with graphics, is Skyrim - anything else I can run no problem, no headaches, no frustration.


My resolution of choice is 1920 x 1080. I've tried lowering it, it doesn't help at all, it just makes the game look s***, I've tried playing in Window Mode, it helps some, but still get studders sometimes... it's very annoying.


It seems as if there just isn't a solution available... and it makes me so furious at times. All I wanna do is play the game I spent $60 dollars on when it came out, smoothly and still have it look good - I'm not able to comprehend why that is NOT OK with the game engine and my PC...


NOTE: I currently have 129 mods, a while back I use to have over 300 mods installed. I lowered it specifically because I was unable to play with that many mods. Wrye Bash is too daunting for me to bother getting into, all the frustration trying to figure out, has rendered me totally pissed off, so I just left it alone.

Edited by ramakgaming
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You're right about the shadows, shadows in most games are very taxing, in this case it's the CPU it's taxing, not the GPU, but still worth lowering, which I have done. I have even tried turning them off entirely, and it doesn't fix anything.


Yeah, I didn't notice the cpu specs. I think I can use the 9800 because my cpu/motherboard are decent.


It is possible that the problem is cpu related, in which case you might consider reducing or disabling your shadows, since they are handled by the CPU.

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Well, the other thing...it could always be a mod issue. I had problems after updating SkyMo and Real Wildlife not too long ago...both has doubled their size since the last time I'd updated and it was just too much for my system. I ended up rolling back one and abandoning the other. I know people have had issues with Sounds of Skyrim, though it works fine for me. It could be a conflict, or a mod that is just too much. Maybe start back at vanilla and introduce mods one at a time until you find the problem? Especially mods that add new scripts, I'd look at, or ones that mess with the lighting.
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I actually have already done that, the mods I use has no conflicts.


Well, the other thing...it could always be a mod issue. I had problems after updating SkyMo and Real Wildlife not too long ago...both has doubled their size since the last time I'd updated and it was just too much for my system. I ended up rolling back one and abandoning the other. I know people have had issues with Sounds of Skyrim, though it works fine for me. It could be a conflict, or a mod that is just too much. Maybe start back at vanilla and introduce mods one at a time until you find the problem? Especially mods that add new scripts, I'd look at, or ones that mess with the lighting.

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I already said, that I have already done that. None of the mods are causing it.


I would agree with above comment. I think your running way too many mods for your rig, which in reality is already having a lot asked of it at 1080p. I agree that you have to go through mods one by one till you find the culprit.

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Yes I have and 86% of the ram is free while Skyrim runs according to the results. CPU usage says that it's at 26%, which isn't much at all.


I spent about a month troubleshooting the problem, I use to have a lot worse problems. I have repaired all of the other problems, the only problem I have now is studdering.


Fair enough, you seem to have eliminated all of the software issues.


I can't remember if you said you've already done this or not, but have you monitored vram / cpu usage whilst having the game on?

Edited by ramakgaming
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nah not system memory, video memory (% of the 1GB of the 430)


Reason I ask is when I had a 1.5GB 580, I use to see stuttering too. When I sold it and upgraded to a 3GB card, it went away. Might be barking up the wrong tree but its worth covering every base. I know it must be hugely frustrating, but eventually mate, you'll get to the bottom of it.

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