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Cbbe not showing up in Bodyslider


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So I've been trying to troubleshoot myself before coming here, but basically my problem is the CBBE outfit/body that would normally show up in bodyslider to edit exactly how your character is going to look is not showing up. I'm not sure if I'm just missing a mod or the file pathing is somehow wrong. This is a fresh installation that should've been as simple as installing the CBBE and bodyslider and ready to go. I've done this for FO4 so I kinda have an idea. But I've been looking for solutions from youtube to forums but haven't found the answer I'm looking for or maybe I'm just an idiot. Here's some photos that I hope are useful.

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did you definitely download CBBE: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/198


its CBBE itself that includes the Femalebody.nif, that shows up in Bodyslide as CBBE Body as well as CBBE Physics Body. <-- which is why i ask if you defintely also downloaded and installed CBBE itself


Judging by the lack of Outfits in your Body/Outfit drop down box, it looks you do not have CBBE installed. unless ofcourse you unticked the box that says Vanilla Outfits.

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1st of all, the skeleton.nif is not what bodyslide edits, its the Femalebody.nif, that Bodyslide edits


2. did you definitely download CBBE: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/198


its CBBE itself that includes the Femalebody.nif, that shows up in Bodyslide as CBBE Body as well as CBBE Physics Body.


Most definitely installed and enabled, and okay I didn't know. I'm still new to the modding scene.




Edit: Maybe not, I thought I installed the right mod but after double checking the links it doesn't seem like it. It looks like I had a different version of it.

Edited by Eamic
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if it dont work after you have downloaded it, i recommend installing it manually, i dont know how Vortex Works, but if it uses Virtual Drives, then their will most likely be problems.

Thanks, the link you provided worked. I'm pretty sure I downloaded a version that didn't support SSE. Even though I went to the SSE side of mods, maybe some of the links weren't updated when I was going through the requirement section. But yeah thanks for the quick reply, I knew it had to be something simple.

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