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Fable 3.5 and 4


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I have discovered a reawakened obsession with the Fable series and am actually near completion of Fable 1 (thanks KDStudios for pointing me at it, loving the game kiddo) and will then go onto Fable 3.


I unfortunately can't play Fable 2 for two reasons:


1. Its on a console not PC and I find consoles a little confusing as they don't have keyboards

2. I would have to murder my boys to be able to get near any of the consoles in this house, or maybe not so seriously, lock them under the stairs. :D


I have been looking at the google pages on Fable and found that there are two games due out. The first Fable: The Journey is due out in September for XBox and possibly other consoles, but no mention of the PC release date or if it will be released on PC. The second Fable 4 (no official title confirmed yet) will be released in 2013 and again XBox definitely 730 and other XBox mediums, PS3 and or the newest console released there but again no confirmation on PC.


Has anyone else heard anything different, or is there a way we can "appeal" to Microsoft's "heart" if they have one, that PC gamers should not be discriminated against????


Thoughts ladies and gentlemen please.

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I love the fable series also, though I feel it has been going slowly downhill after the first (I still play the first and I own it on xbox and two copies on PC). The second Fable was still very enjoyable minus the console exclusive part. I would be more than fine with Fable the Journey being 'exclusive'. I have no interest at all in a first person shooter kinect exclusive. Hopefully Fable 4 will be more like the first game and be released for the PC, though I haven't heard anything on a PC release either.
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You should clear some space under the stairs, Fable 2 is best of the three. I'd be surprised to see Fable on the PS3, Lionhead are owned by Microsoft. I hope they stop the dumbing down with Fable 4, Fable was never cerebral but they went too far with the last game.
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I would agree with all of you, although I suppose I'm just too sad when I say I happen to like the 3rd one. I find it amusing, a great deal of fun as the Prince(ess)'s expressions are so funny when they do something stupid or wrong. I love it. The self depreciation really makes it worth while for me to play. (Like I said, I can't help it, I'm a sad, sad person :D :D)


I suppose then it's a kinetic console for one of the boys this Christmas and a PS3(4) for the other. Both consoles have just gone belly up (ring of death for the xbox and god knows what for the PS3), expensive these things honestly.


Well if anyone finds out anything more, let me know via this thread, it'll be fun finding out what they're planning for Fable 4 if nothing else.


Thanks to all for the feedback :)

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I liked the third one too naomis. :tongue:

The second was fun, but I didn't like it quite as much as the first or third. The big thing about that was I always played it with my brother or a friend since it was console only.

And I hate rail shooters so The Journey is a no go for me. I didn't know they planned on releasing the fourth next year. :biggrin:

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The best way to start off with fable 3 is to rent grind, and try to buy all houses.. While taking the time to renovate them.


then continue with the story http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif

Edited by Thor.
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Only played the first one, on PC once they finally got around to releasing a version.


Personally I never liked the series much, it may have a decent story, but it feels terribly linear and I never liked the part where your character changes drastically just because you got stronger or have high magic skill. I remember the weapon system being kinda "meh" too.


I doubt there will be another PC release since Microsoft is really trying to push more people to use the Xbox and subsequently have continuous income from them from the Xbox Live service. I wouldn't be surprised if they started requiring some sort of monthly service plan for Windows at some point if they thought they could get away with it.

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