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Fable 3.5 and 4


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eeeew No don't like that idea at all. Microsoft already get enough out of me with the things my boys want on Xbox Live so hey they can give back for a change.


Wow was that a chocolate covered pig that flew past the window????


I live in hope :D

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I like the Fable series, but I also don't have a console and can't play the supposedly best one. First one was really good, though I didn't finish it. I'll have to get to that soon. Third one was ok, but way too easy. 3's ending is also meh.

They get plus points because I can marry a guy in-game. Actually, that's reason enough for me to go play the first one again. :sweat: Props to Molyneux for that.

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I've enjoyed 1 and 3, only just finished 1 completely. For The Journey I'm not too bothered, but for Fable 4 I'm wanting PC version.
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Personally I never liked the series much, it may have a decent story, but it feels terribly linear and I never liked the part where your character changes drastically just because you got stronger or have high magic skill.


Ha! You should have seen Fable 2, if you were a female you were almost guarunteed to look like a butch german shot-putter by the end! :laugh:


I haven't played the third one yet, although I noticed the price drop rapidly which normally doesn't tend to bode well for gameplay but because i'm a big I may have to buy a console soon and reclaim the series. The first one was far the best for me, it felt like more of a fantasy game where as the second got a bit too real for me - getting married, the wife falling out with you for not buying her expensive gifts (shallow cow), getting a job, raising kids etc.

Edited by Ironman5000
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What is it about adding a little RL to a game that sends the men running for the hills lol :D


I find those kind of things give the sense of "normality" in a game and after hurtling round killing stuff, stealing, defeating the roving bandit hordes, and basically saving the world, going home to hubby(ies) and an assortment of kiddies is great fun....


Maybe I'm just a sad person but it gives me time to re-assess what comes next. A little downtime and some R&R never goes amiss for me.

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I loved all the fable games but 3 was my favourite just because it was quite different from other games because of the unique UI and I liked it's story the best. My only problem with it was my character ended up freakily tall as I specialised in guns and with wierd pale skin because I was pure good
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I loved all the fable games but 3 was my favourite just because it was quite different from other games because of the unique UI and I liked it's story the best. My only problem with it was my character ended up freakily tall as I specialised in guns and with wierd pale skin because I was pure good


I remember when I was a good guy in fable 2 and when I got as high as possible I looked like a fat psychopath with wild eyes and blue lines all over my face and i'm thinking "I didn't sign up for this, what the hell?" The concept of this morphing is good but they get a bit carried I think

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I remember when I was a good guy in fable 2 and when I got as high as possible I looked like a fat psychopath with wild eyes and blue lines all over my face and i'm thinking "I didn't sign up for this, what the hell?" The concept of this morphing is good but they get a bit carried I think


My character in fable 2 look exactly like that aswell maybe with all there character morphing everyone just ends up looking the same.

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What is it about adding a little RL to a game that sends the men running for the hills lol :D

I think it has to do with how we have enough trouble trying to micromanage our own real relationships and aren't too keen on having to do it inside a game too. How would you like it if all NPCs reacted to you not coming to visit them often enough, do those quests they asked for, or give them things? How about if party members or companions would suddenly decide that they wanted to be alone for awhile just because you weren't talking to them enough, or decided to not play that game for a few weeks. On one hand, it can seem innovative, on the other it ends up being GTA:IV with people constantly calling you just to hang out while you're in the middle of a gunfight and getting bummed because you're too busy shooting people to chit-chat.


Most people want to play games at their leisure and not have to deal with all the inter-personal stuff. In cases where that inter-personal stuff becomes a factor within a game, it usually doesn't end up getting balanced well so people either ignore that component as long as they can, or sidetrack to devote effort towards maxing whatever stat is related so that it's not an issue for a long time before continuing on. Even if it were done well, it would almost certainly get to be too much of a bother after the first play-through since you likely wouldn't encounter anything new, but would still have to jump through all those hoops.

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