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Site issues since Dawnguard


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@Dark One: :thumbsup: Thank you very much for the heads up on the situation. Talk about 'Murphyisms'! :(

Bethesda really "middle-fingered" ALL of us as to how they "stealth-blitz-released" Dawnguard, and worse, apparently I can only get it online? :(


If I'm not mistaken, Dawnguard DLC will ONLY be released online, and will not be available in stores, just like "Battlehorn Castle DLC" was for Oblivion.....am I right?


Kind regards, AmadanBezerk

Everything is about marketing and market share. About exclusivity or the perception of it. Eventually they'll release a super, gold, deluxe, all-in-one, ultimate edition for a dirt cheap price and laugh all the way to the bank while doing it. :devil:



And a big thanks to the Nexus :thumbsup: Without which Bethesda's enjoyable but buggy games would have long gone to the recycle bin.

Edited by mechatech
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Best of luck getting this all going again.


I've noticed with larger files in the manager the file will stop downloading at a certain point and the overall message changes to "Unable to download file". What makes this strange to me is that it always stops at the same point (different for each file, but multiple attempts to download the same has caused it to stop on the exact same percent each time without any delay)


I'm wondering if this is due to a data cap, and if so, how long would it be until a person that's capped can start their download again?


(P.S. Whenever I press the "Resume" button NMM stops responding. It'll either freeze for a minute, or completely crash.)

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Yippie, everything is back up and running again. Thank you for all your hard work in getting things back online. You have an awesome team of people and they are greatly appreciated. I am sure they never hear it enough, so give everyone major Kudos for their dedication and diligence.
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Yippie, everything is back up and running again. Thank you for all your hard work in getting things back online. You have an awesome team of people and they are greatly appreciated. I am sure they never hear it enough, so give everyone major Kudos for their dedication and diligence.


Might want to check your download history on your members page. Eveything I've downloaded since July 24th isn't showing up. I know other people have the same issue. I'm still having to refresh pages because 'the file is hidden from view', yet I have it open in another tab. And it goes on...


'Everything' is far from being fixed.

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Ever since earlier today, I'm getting this message when I try to download this file: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22207


"Some newly uploaded files can take some time to propogate across our file server network. Typically it should take no more than an hour. So take a look at the upload date for the file you're trying to download. If it's been less than an hour, please try again a little later. If it's been more than an hour then please get in contact with us and we'll take a look for you. Thank you for your patience."

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everytime i download something with the NMM i look at the download and it says the file doesn't exsist even though i can see it plain as day on the nexus website

Any help would be appreciated and thanks for your hard work to fix the website


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