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Korean Doll Skin


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Greetings! I have a quick question... how does one get the skintone and gloss that one sees on the forums constantly nowadays, like the "COCO Chunli Qipao" that came out a few days ago or any of the followers by liuleiabcd or Jinxxed0, or all of NINIrim's characters, that remind me of a character from a Korean MMO-- porcelain doll-like skin, etc.

What textures and ENBs (if absolutely necessary, I hate ENB...) would I need to make something that looks like that?

As an example, a direct link to one of the aforementioned author's works that is front-paging currently



Thank you in Advance, and apologies if this has been asked somewhere that didn't come up in my cursory search.

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Well, for the link you provided they said what skin they use and link it in their description page. I cant speak of any others. That mod you linked list all the mods they used except an ENB but you could ask them what they use. At the end of the day you still might not get the same exact look since people fiddle with settings and lighting and all that too.


There are many good skin mods out there and most people that make followers or presets will list the mods they use in the description and/or often list them as pre-reqs when you download.


I hope this helps some.

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Well, for the link you provided they said what skin they use and link it in their description page. I cant speak of any others. That mod you linked list all the mods they used except an ENB but you could ask them what they use. At the end of the day you still might not get the same exact look since people fiddle with settings and lighting and all that too.


There are many good skin mods out there and most people that make followers or presets will list the mods they use in the description and/or often list them as pre-reqs when you download.


I hope this helps some.

Yeah, but is there not a proper install order for a lot of the skin mods that make them look exactly the way these do? I have most if not all of these skin mods, or did once. Never quite come close to what they looked like...

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Yep, I totally understand. I guess it couldn't hurt to ask the mod maker directly. I know they fuss with settings. They fuss with the diffuse and specular map textures and the ENB settings. Your computer may or may not be able to show these like they do. I have no idea if they do anything to their screenshots.


So I'd say your best bet is to ask the modder or ask perhaps the uploader of a screenshot exactly what they do. Some of those textures are pretty amazing. Having a basic understanding of the different types of skin textures and what they do might help also? Certain texture files change the skin look from say oily/wet or having freckles, stuff like that. I know some people use one skin texture but other textures for freckles and stuff. I keep mine pretty simple and straight out of the box. ENBs can make a huge difference so if you can find out what they use it can be helpful. As far as install orders, a mod maker usually tells you if you need anything else for it to work. I'm sure you know the basics since you are asking more advanced questions.

If not then let me know and I am sure we can dig up some tutorials.


Hopefully someone else might come along here and give some more insight that I don't have but in the meantime I'd go right to the source if you can.

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