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[LE] Unable to Launch Compiler?


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I have run into a very strange problem. Every time I attempt to make a new script, creation kit simply posts a message that says "unable to launch compiler".


I have never run into this issue before even though I have compiled MANY scripts. The only two things I can think of that may have affected this are:


1. I downloaded papyrusutil (this was to get DynDOLOD to work)


2. I messed with terrain LOD settings in the skyrimprefs.ini file, but then subsequently changed them back to default. I didn't touch anything else in the .ini file.


Also, I do not have a papyrus compiler folder in my skyrim se folder and I don't know if it was ever there. I was hoping someone could point me to a standalone papyruscompiler.exe and I could put it in the folder, but any suggestions are welcome.

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I visited Bethesda.net and then selected "game options" then "scan and repair files".


I then checked my Skryim SE folder/PapyrusCompiler and it was filled with the necessary files.


I also checked in the creation kit and, sure enough, I am once again able to compile and create new scripts.


Will need to change the creation kit .ini to allow loading of multiple masters once again. Under [general] add:



Edited by jucoking
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  • 5 years later...
On 3/30/2019 at 12:46 PM, jucoking said:

I then checked my Skryim SE folder/PapyrusCompiler and it was filled with the necessary files.

But the title says this is for LE, but you are playing SE?

Sorry for the Necro, but Google says this is the only thread with this issue, apart from my own thread.

My problem is that the Papyus Script Manager will not open AT. ALL. I get no error message, but there is an hour glass for two seconds which then vanishes and nothing.

"Compile Papyrus Scripts" takes more than 15 minutes to open but now does compile scripts after reinstalling all the psc files.

And yes, everything IS where it's supposed to be. I'll check that Betheda link you gave.

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