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Runtime error R6025 - pure virtual function


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  • 3 months later...

Myself I am having the same issue, but it was after I installed the Mod Immersive Armor's I played all week last week without the error even last night, but after I added the mod I went into Aftand to do the Blackreach quest to get the Elder Scroll [Dragon] for the dawnguard quest. Can mods that people make actually cause the error's or does the files with C++ need to be updated in some way?

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i finished the horse quest in cairn, then i got the error, i looked in the misc and the horse head was still there, i dropped it and i dont have errors, ill need to play more hours to check if it works ... im on 2 hours still no error

Edited by 3rdreichempire
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  • 2 months later...

Hi, I am another one of those who experienced this crash suddenly. I was inside Proudspire Manor in solitude when it happened. I have not played much of dawnguard, I only joined it and then left.


I used two fixes from this forum, then continued to play Skyrim and it seems to be working so far. I played for quite a few hours without another crash.


One fix was to change my windows resolution (right click desktop). I clicked it to a different option, clicked yes. Then immediately changed it back.


Also, I went to


and ran VCRedist.exe, which repaired the C++ files.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 8/15/2013 at 4:40 PM, VegasAssassin said:


So I finally found a solution to this online. Thanks to the person who figured this out, the solution and link to his forum post are below.
Looks like its related to the dark brotherhood wedding quest.
the problematic script was:
I will post the solution for someone with the same problem:
1. Goto the wedding area in solitude where he first appeared during the assassination quest
2. Open console
3. Type "prid 000D5637" to select the invisible problem NPC using his refID
4. Type "enable" to make him reappear
5. Kill the problem bard NPC
This stopped all of the CTD's and Runtime Error crashes for me. Yay, i can finally play the game!


i had this runtime error, and i'm thinking it's related to the above quote. I believe this is so because right before i had the error i noticed there was a missing chaurus object.


here's what happened:

entered Shimmermist Cave;

saw chaurus on bridge (didn't see the skeever behind it*)

while sneaking i began to shoot it with arrows;

when it finally got to me and i just killed it i noticed the skeever about to attack

I one-shotted that skeever and assumed i'd alerted the skeever while attacking the chaurus, but i couldn't find the body of the chaurus.


So i saved my game, checked papyrus but didn't see anything of note (but being a n00b at it i'm sure there was), and reloaded the save game after quitting. During an "encounter" with a falmer, after the second animation finished i got the runtime error.

So, i'm thinking this mystery disappearing chaurus bug is the developer's fault and it just seems to happen every so often and you just gotta reload an old save and hope the bug didn't appear again.

This is only speculation, btw...just added this reply to an old thread hoping it helps others in the future


*-i actually had a savegame just as i saw the chaurus on the bridge. lucky me. i reloaded it at some point to double check things and saw there was indeed a skeever behind it...i just didn't see it the first time around (first time i posted i assumed the chaurus turned into a skeever)


EDIT: omg, i reloaded an autosave just inside the cave and approached the bridge. this time i see a giant spider surrounded by 3 skeevers. very odd...especially since the spider's shadow remained on the bridge.

so, i guess it maybe not an invisible skeever issue but something related to a disappearing chaurus (plus a wierd spider shadow)


anyways, i reloaded the same autosave (this time getting only a single skeever) and tried to replicate the falmer animation again. Hoo boy, now i have 3 falmers (i'm using ASIS, btw) so it'll definitely do the error for sure if i haven't fixed it. No error, but that didn't explain the wierd spider shadow on the second of third run-throughs.


Anyways, this is my fourth run-through and going to play normally...hopefully the bug went away for a good long time.

Edited by MajorFreak
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  • 2 months later...

I think I found out how to fix this. In the skyrim folder, there's a VCRedist folder. Open the .exe in that folder and it should ask you to repair or remove. Select remove and it might pop up third party software using the redist content. If it does say xyz software is using the content and it needs to be turned off then that third party software is most likely the cause of the problem. In my case, it was Razersynapse.exe and since I stopped that from running while I'm playing Skyrim, the pure virtual function call crash stopped. Continue uninstalling the redist and reinstall it.

To my understanding, while skyrim is running, it is using tools from Microsoft to manage the pure virtual function but so is the third party software. Because of design flaws, the third party software ends up calling pure virtual functions from pointers that hasn't been wiped yet.

This may also be the cause for other games having the pure virtual function call error. I know that this fix came late and a lot of people are enjoying FO4 atm but after I finally found out, I had to share.

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  • 4 months later...

don't forget to install skse and set it up properly.

You can't just continue that safe again even if you had those mods installed.

Don't forget to properly uninstall and install skyrim again (including cleaning your files with tes5edit!)

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