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Armor Extras - Pauldrons


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I support this idea. I would love to equip the hide/studded x straps on their own.


I don't know if you're talking about this, but I think if your download the Witcher armors mod that includes Letho's slayer armor you can get the "x" straps from the hide/studded armor as a stand-alone peice equipable with just about any armor. You might have to search for it in the creation kit, I can't remember how I got to it. I think it's called "Letho's Leather Belt". Check it out if you have the time.

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This would make the game more realistic, immersive and much more fun. But sounds like a lot of work, because if i understand it right, then every single armor mod out there would have to be made compatible with it. Anyways, nothing is impossible and im looking forward to its release. :thumbsup:

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Such a mod has been done for women clotches and it's terrific. It would be a hell of a mod if someone could cut the existing armors into several pieces, so that you could just equip the trousers, the left pauldron and the left arm for example...

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I feel like if this were as easy as people are assuming it would've been done by now, given that there were a lot of complaints about the restricting nature of Skyrim's armor system. But you never know.


Certainly it'd become a must-have mod if someone could introduce individual glove/pauldron/grieves slots.

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It's probably because they're so... boring ... compared to other parts of clothing. And plus they are kind of hard to realistically model inside a modelling program, I know every attempt I've done appear way too fat or narrow.
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I see. I don't really know how to mod but I use autodesk for 3D animations and models. Can that not be used for models in skyrim? Like I said, no idea what so ever on how to mod, I just know 3D modeling in autodesk xp


That's pretty much what it is, separating meshes and then porting them back into the game as separate pieces. I'm just having trouble with the latter part of the operation. I had 3ds Max from autodesk on my Asus but my computer decided to crap out on me. Now the fall semester is here and I'll need to focus on school, so I might not jump right back into modding just yet. Just as well I guess, I was starting to get really frustrated with nifskope and 3ds.

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