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Bethesda bought S.T.A.L.K.E.R (?)


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Well, let's look at what they did with Fallout: They bought the rights to a game series that really wasn't widely known and was mostly loved by very serious, devoted gamers. It was almost like a cult classic. Much like Mount & Blade was, then Bethesda bought the rights to Fallout and created a game that completely revamped, re styled, and rebuilt everything from the ground up, besides the lore. Not only did they completely revolutionize the gameplay of Fallout, but they made it a hit. Everyone, well mostly everyone, loved the game and enjoyed the new style of open-world, RPG gameplay. So with all that in mind, S.T.A.L.K.E.R, with it's already creepy, post-apocalyptic atmosphere, could also have the same thing done to it as what was done to Fallout at the hands of Bethesda Studios.


To be honest, I wouldn't have even been interested in the Fallout series had they continued down the same path. I haven't even played the games, but from what videos I have watched, it's just not my style. I don't like the top-down camera, I especially can not stand turn based combat. I hate it. So Bethesda made the world of Fallout into a game that I love dearly and really enjoy. Maybe they can do the same with STALKER.



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Bethesda loves buying dead franchises dont they?


Dead is a bit harsh word. Stalker 2 was heavily anticipated before it was canceled earlier this year. Since the developers immediately started a new Studio and began working on a spiritual sequel afterwards, I'm guessing the reason was they didn't get along with their previous publisher or whatever, or because the deal with Bethesda was already in the workings. There are obviously still a lot of money in this franchise. Hard to say if Bethesda bought it because they want to remake it or because they think it was a threat to their Fallout games. Time will tell I guess.



Well, let's look at what they did with Fallout: They bought the rights to a game series that really wasn't widely known and was mostly loved by very serious, devoted gamers. It was almost like a cult classic. Much like Mount & Blade was, then Bethesda bought the rights to Fallout and created a game that completely revamped, re styled, and rebuilt everything from the ground up, besides the lore. Not only did they completely revolutionize the gameplay of Fallout, but they made it a hit. Everyone, well mostly everyone, loved the game and enjoyed the new style of open-world, RPG gameplay. So with all that in mind, S.T.A.L.K.E.R, with it's already creepy, post-apocalyptic atmosphere, could also have the same thing done to it as what was done to Fallout at the hands of Bethesda Studios.


To be honest, I wouldn't have even been interested in the Fallout series had they continued down the same path. I haven't even played the games, but from what videos I have watched, it's just not my style. I don't like the top-down camera, I especially can not stand turn based combat. I hate it. So Bethesda made the world of Fallout into a game that I love dearly and really enjoy. Maybe they can do the same with STALKER.




Meh, they are practically ripping out the soul of the original and replace it with something they know will sell a lot on as many platforms as possible. Of course it will be way more popular than the original, but it will be a completely different game. Some original players will like it and some will despise it, but none will consider it a part of the original series.


And to be honest, the only reason I like Bethesda's RPG's is because they're built upon a powerful and very mod-able engine with great first-person gameplay (Great for an RPG). The vanilla games themselves are not that good at all, and becomes even worse with every sequel as they're ridiculously dumbed down for the mainstream. But as long as I'm able to mod it to however I prefer it, I can still dig it. That's the one and only beauty of it in my opinion.


Just because a game sells a lot more, it doesn't mean it's better. It's all about marketing and publicity, which is what these huge companies do best.

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