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Can't download mods


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When I try to download a mod, it gives an error in NMM: 'file does not exist'.


Ok, so I searched for a solution. I read about downloading files manually. But when I try to download a file manually, it gives me a pop-up with the message 'an error has occurred'.


Not sure what to do now?

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This error normally occurs because files can take time to get "propagated" on the Nexus Servers, unfortunately you can only wait for it to become available, I find it often works to download it the next day :/
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The Nexus is broken. It's been like this since the release of Dawnguard. There was a very sudden, unexpected increase in load on the Nexus, and it's being overwhelmed. For the same file, I can't get different messages about why I can't download it. It will switch between saying the file is hidden and saying it's not on the servers yet, although neither is correct. It works if you try it during off hours.
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Having the same problem. Thought it was me or the computer or something terrible. Ok it is terrible, but at least I know it's being worked on and I'm not alone.
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