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Werewolf Transformation not working.


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Just started playing Skyrim again after downloading Dawnguard. Decided to make me a new character and wanted to do the Companion quests so i could play as werewolf through Dawnguard quests. During the Proving Honor quest when player gets locked in the small room after pulling the lever i noticed that Farkas didn't change to a werewolf when he got ambushed by the Silver Hand. I figured it was just glitch so didn't pay it worry because he still killed the Silver Hand members and let me out. Then when you get the Silver Hand quest and go into the underforge with Skjor and Aela i saw Aela was a werewolf and after i drank the blood i was werewolf during that short time in Whiterun. After you wake up in wilderness i tried to use my Beast form power but nothing happens. I am unable to use my inventory or map because it says i can't access it at this time (just like if you were a werewolf) and it wont let me use Beast Form again because it says you can only cast it once a day. I have no mods that alter werewolf transforming or perks. Only werewolf mod i have is a re-texture but i been having that for several months. I Disable all mods i have but still wont work. I checked my scripts and see nothing with werewolf in it. please help i want be a werewolf :( and Sorry for bad English :(
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Just started playing Skyrim again after downloading Dawnguard. Decided to make me a new character and wanted to do the Companion quests so i could play as werewolf through Dawnguard quests. During the Proving Honor quest when player gets locked in the small room after pulling the lever i noticed that Farkas didn't change to a werewolf when he got ambushed by the Silver Hand. I figured it was just glitch so didn't pay it worry because he still killed the Silver Hand members and let me out. Then when you get the Silver Hand quest and go into the underforge with Skjor and Aela i saw Aela was a werewolf and after i drank the blood i was werewolf during that short time in Whiterun. After you wake up in wilderness i tried to use my Beast form power but nothing happens. I am unable to use my inventory or map because it says i can't access it at this time (just like if you were a werewolf) and it wont let me use Beast Form again because it says you can only cast it once a day. I have no mods that alter werewolf transforming or perks. Only werewolf mod i have is a re-texture but i been having that for several months. I Disable all mods i have but still wont work. I checked my scripts and see nothing with werewolf in it. please help i want be a werewolf :( and Sorry for bad English :(



This seems like a bug that only happens when you have Dawnguard installed, I too cannot transform into a Vampire Lord or Werewolf, I'll do a test later to see if transformations work correctly with Dawnguard unchecked.

Edited by PlanetNorris
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i already try with Dawnguard.esm unchecked and it still not work. I try it with no mods and it still not transforming. I try "view integrity of game cache" in steam and still not work. Maybe i have to re install Skyrim : /
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Just started playing Skyrim again after downloading Dawnguard. Decided to make me a new character and wanted to do the Companion quests so i could play as werewolf through Dawnguard quests. During the Proving Honor quest when player gets locked in the small room after pulling the lever i noticed that Farkas didn't change to a werewolf when he got ambushed by the Silver Hand. I figured it was just glitch so didn't pay it worry because he still killed the Silver Hand members and let me out. Then when you get the Silver Hand quest and go into the underforge with Skjor and Aela i saw Aela was a werewolf and after i drank the blood i was werewolf during that short time in Whiterun. After you wake up in wilderness i tried to use my Beast form power but nothing happens. I am unable to use my inventory or map because it says i can't access it at this time (just like if you were a werewolf) and it wont let me use Beast Form again because it says you can only cast it once a day. I have no mods that alter werewolf transforming or perks. Only werewolf mod i have is a re-texture but i been having that for several months. I Disable all mods i have but still wont work. I checked my scripts and see nothing with werewolf in it. please help i want be a werewolf :( and Sorry for bad English :(



I'm also having this issue. The power is obviously activated because the initial transformation takes place (it halts for me right as you start to physically change into beast form and you remain in human form). When this happens, the map and favorites menu are not avaiable (nor are pre-set favorites quick slots). You can still go into your inventory and select magic/weapons/armor and it functions correctly as if in human form.

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(Now with section breaks for readability, 'cause I type a lot and I don't want to repetitively bump the topic if nobody else is posting in it.)


I'm having this bug too, although mine locks my menu controls and acts like I've transformed, despite not finishing the transformation. Doesn't seem to be happening to everyone, but certainly a number of folks, and so far if anyone's found a solution, they haven't said anything. The only mods I'm using that modify anything to do with werewolves (and use .esp files) are Derrax Male Werewolves, Female Werewolf, and Werewolf Affinity, and the first two use only one ESP. The only one that changes how werewolves work is the last one, which does modify scripts including LTDWerewolfTransformVisual.pex and LTDwwNPCTransformScript.pex. Going to remove those two script files and see if that fixes the transformation bug for me. I'll update with results.



Edit One: Well, as some small part of me expected, with the .pex files gone, I don't transform at all. The innate problem of the mod, however, is that it rewrites werewolves entirely. I think I have a viable save from before the ritual (don't know why I didn't think to make said save -right- before it, to be cautious), so I'll see if it's only the mod using that particular loose script file or if vanilla werewolves need it too.



Edit Two: Lucky me, I had an autosave from just when I entered the Underforge! So I was able to test without Werewolf Affinity. Unfortunately, no dice. Seems Werewolf Affinity doesn't rewrite scripts after all, so that's not the cause of the problem. Next step is disabling the werewolf dimorphism, see if there's a dirty edit somewhere. As before, will update when I've got... well, an update. (My, but the forums never seem to like me editing more than once.)



Edit Two(Plus One): Haven't gotten to the dimorphism yet, as I was hungry. I have determined, though, that jratwood's bug likely lies in the two aforementioned scripts, because I was able to perfectly replicate the "nothing happens, tells me I'm in beast form" aspect of the bug by removing those two files ( LTDWerewolfTransformVisual.pex and LTDwwNPCTransformScript.pex for player and NPCs, respectively). After unloading Werewolf Affinity, I had the previously deleted files back, but still no proper complete transformation occurs.

Disregard that, the LTD scripts are from Werewolf Affinity, and I had a doubled up install.


I did at one time use Tales of Lycanthropy, which was around the time this bug started happening for me... and, come to think of it, I never got that one running properly, either. I was going to try and take over support for it, but real life jumped up and I took a projectile to the patella, ending my plans for that entirely. (A pity, because I had SO MANY IDEAS (read: none at all) for what to do with the mod.) However, I performed a Surgical Mod File Removal to get rid of every file associated with that old mod, including scripts, before I tried WA, and I've already confirmed that the bug is even occurring with vanilla lycanthropy. (I don't have Dawnguard active, nor have I had it, on this particular character. I bought it, but I'm using it to tease myself into finishing my album faster before I can "have" it.) So, something somewhere is the cause of this, and until I can finger the culprit I'm gonna pound away.


However, I do feel it necessary to ask: what mods, if any, are those of you who also have this problem using? I'm talking full mod lists, not just whatever you have that affects werewolves. If there's a commonality somewhere, that'd help to narrow things down, and for all we know there may be something somewhere that edits something unnecessarily.



Edit the Fourth: Success! (Or at least, a definitive lack of failure!) Requiring a fresh, werewolf-mod-less character, I threw a basic male Nord into the Companions, gave myself full Dragonscale armor, maxed my Destruction and Light Armor perks, TGM-ed, and SGTM 1.75ed my way through the missions necessary to get to the werewolf part, and lo, did I successfully wolf out in that very test. Going back to double-check, I found that I have no files prefaced with LTD in the Scripts folder at all. This only further adds to my theory that something related to those scripts is causing severe bugging to occur. Now that I have a fresh, non-modded (at least, not regarding weres) character at the point of becoming a werewolf, I can test if a werewolf mod is the cause of this error (and if Dawnguard doesn't play nice with things that affect werewolves).



Edit 5: Now things are getting interesting. I just tested the character without anything affecting werewolves, which as expected allowed me to change. Then I turned on Dawnguard. Suddenly I'm back to the bug from before: the transformation starts, but never finishes. Interestingly, it won't let me access the menu when this happens, telling me I can't access the menu in werewolf form.


The script seems to be halting right before the point where it actively changes the player race to WerewolfBeast, and when I manually do that (player.setrace WerewolfBeast) I can access the Dawnguard werewolf perks menu. Changing back, however, causes the werewolf parts that appear as a result of the transformation to fade in again. Turning off Dawnguard and testing it again indeed allowed it to work just fine. My next step in testing will be to turn off the werewolf retexture mods I'm using, see if those aren't playing nice with werewolf form (perhaps because of a wereskin pathing adjustment?)



Edit 6: Nope, pathing doesn't have an affect on it (which I somewhat expected). With Dawnguard active, I can't wolf out. With it off, I can. With Werewolf Affinity active, I can't access the menu, even though that particular mod is supposed to allow that, and I get the same error when I try to transform with it (completes the animation, but doesn't actually change form). Manually setting my form to WerewolfBeast didn't fix the lack of menu, either.


Sub-Edit 6.5: Looking over WerewolfAffinity, I can more or less say with certainty that the LTD-prefaced scripts are tied to that mod and that mod alone, and are likely not the cause of this problem. Skyrim itself seems to be acting skeevy about anything that affects werewolves.


I'm partly curious as to whether it's related to the fact that I have SkyRe, which is a general overhaul of the rest of the game. I'm not certain if SkyRe changes anything regarding werewolves. I'll have to look into that. Is anyone else running anything of that sort that's having this bug?

Edited by mindinavoid
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  • 3 months later...

I got the same problem. I could transform to vampire lord but after a few days (not skyrim days) it bugged.

SN: What armor did you guys use cause the bug happent for me after wearing royal vampire armor.

SN2:Sorry If I am bumping an old topic.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 10 months later...

i had same problem, at quest Proving Honor, Farkas wasnt changing to werewolf, instead he just raised hands like he was ready for brawl, after 20 sec or so, he killed Silver Hand members instantly and opened the gate, afterwards when i got beast form, i was unable to exit it, after waiting for 3 ingame hours, only thing that happen after 3h is that i get transformation skin animation, but my char stay in werewolf form, exept that after that happen i cant use any atack, can just run around and reload a save game in the end. So reason to my problem was Moonlight tales combined with RacesMenu mod or something like that, i unchecked and deactivated all mods earlyer but that wasnt helping either, than i started to think that Dawnguard is a problem, but it wasnt, when i downloaded some werewolf script fix mod from Nexsus, upon installing it i noticed that its replacing same stuff that Moonlight tales added to my data, than i just deleted Moonlight tales and Race Menu completley and it solved my problem, Farkas was transforming in Porving Honor and i was able to use Werewolf form normaly, if this doesnt work, try to use Werewolf script fix, altough i i didnt after i unistaled these 2 mods completley, good luck, soz for bad english.

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  • 1 year later...

I have somewhat the same problem , but it's kinda different : when I use the beast form at first try it won't do anything the sign that shows a werewolf head and a limiter shows up on the upper right side but my character doesn't change, but when I use beast from again my character immediately transforms into a werewolf . Now after the transformation is done and I turn back to human form I can't access any menu the game still thinks i'm in werewolf form :/ what should I do ? It's really annoying I didn't accept beast blood so I can't use it , I only have armour mods and some fixes but not anything that changes any werewolf skin or script .

Any ideas ?

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