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But seriously, who do you think really won the civil war?


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Did I forget anyone? It doesn't exactly seem like Bethesda went out of their way to make the Stormcloak Jarl's look like geniuses.

There are about as many bad Imperial jarls, and I don't see an advantage for either side in average quality of rulers.


Laila may be clueless, but at least she's good-hearted and might actually be decent if we could get rid of that steward. The Imperials put Maven on the throne. Is evil better than clueless?


Siddgeir is corrupt and decadent. Igmund doesn't even control his own city guard and is unaware that the Forsworn are operating inside his city despite his uncle's attempts to get him to face reality. Idgrod is pretty good, but lacks the confidence of her people.


I'd say Bethesda went out of their way to balance the situation, so you can't pick a side based on who provides better governance.

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Although the stormcloaks are fighting for the right reasons, the Imperials need to stay in charge until the thalmor make their move, which they will. If the Imperials are in control of Skyrim when the Thalmor attack, then they can call on the rest of the Empire to assist them and feasibly win. If the stormcloaks secede, then Skyrim will be easily obliviated.
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I think we'll have to wait for the next dlc to find out what happens, it's probably gonna be thalmor based, so perhaps it will be resolved there


I don't see how a DLC would help, since it would still have to stay in line with whatever your character ended up doing - if you won the war for the Stormcloak side, they can't really release a DLC that assumes the Legion won, can they?


As for the Thalmor, they may very possibly feature in a future DLC but I doubt we'll get anything definitive. I strongly suspect Bethesda are saving them to be the main bad guys in a future game.

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Although the stormcloaks are fighting for the right reasons, the Imperials need to stay in charge until the thalmor make their move, which they will. If the Imperials are in control of Skyrim when the Thalmor attack, then they can call on the rest of the Empire to assist them and feasibly win. If the stormcloaks secede, then Skyrim will be easily obliviated.



Exactly. Divide and Conquer. Ulfric is the ultimate tool in the Thalmors strategy to conquer Tamriel.

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A Dragon Break would solve the problem, but if a Dragon Break doesn't happen, IMO, the Empire has more chances to win the Civil War than the Stormcloaks. Well, at least, the number of Imperial soldiers, as far as I know, is higher than the Stormcloaks AND Imperial soldiers probably are more well-trained than the Stormcloaks.


But the Stormcloaks have a chance of winning if they start to make nice strategies, pulling the strings here and there, but Ulfric won't do that. He's a dumber version of Hitler.

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There are about as many bad Imperial jarls, and I don't see an advantage for either side in average quality of rulers.




Siddgeir is corrupt and decadent. Igmund doesn't even control his own city guard and is unaware that the Forsworn are operating inside his city despite his uncle's attempts to get him to face reality. Idgrod is pretty good, but lacks the confidence of her people.


That's really not true. Elisif, and Balgruuf are two of the better Jarl's in Skyrim, and Balgruuf has more quest involvement than anyone unless you did the civil war before even going to whiterun (and chose the stormcloaks). Igmund played Ulfric like a fiddle and got exactly what he wanted. Regardless of what side you choose in the war, whoever rules Markarth is still at the disadvantage of the Silver-Blood family owning the silver mines.


What evidence do you have that Siddgeir is corrupt? He's young and arrogant certainly, but what corruption? Is this from the stormcloak Civil War quest? I don't recall it.


And Idgrod doesn't need the confidence of her people as long as she has the authority over them. She's clearly wiser than they are if for no other reason than her lack of superstition compared to the rest of them. In a town full of fools, one intelligent person should be fairly secure.


I stand by what I said earlier. I would even go so far as to say after you choose the stormcloaks, the replacement Jarl's are more ignorant than the Imperial replacements.

Edited by Stemin
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What evidence do you have that Siddgeir is corrupt? He's young and arrogant certainly, but what corruption?

The first thing he wants you to do in the process of becoming thane is to bring him a bottle of Black-Briar mead, showing that he's decadent enough to care only about his own amusements rather than the welfare of his people. (In fact, I believe he tells you at one point that his interest in being jarl is access to perks like fine clothes.) The second thing he wants you to do is kill some bandits ... because they've reneged on their arrangement with him and are no longer giving him a proper share of their take. I would call that pretty corrupt, though it's petty corruption compared to Maven Black Briar.


I would say Vignar is as good a jarl as Balgruuf, with the same concerns for the welfare of the people of Whiterun and definite plans for seeing to that welfare. Dengeir is certainly a better jarl than Siddgeir, and he has a very canny political sense and no great trust of Ulfric, though he supports the rebellion.


Yes, I like Idgrod despite her not having the trust of her people, but Sorli is not a bad replacement and a ruler that does have the confidence of her subjects is probably going to be able to accomplish more.

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Dengeir is certainly a better jarl than Siddgeir, and he has a very canny political sense and no great trust of Ulfric, though he supports the rebellion.

Dengeir is crazy, literally. Hes paranoid to the point of seeing imperial plots around every corner. Hell, most of what you will hear him say is "mind what you say, the imperials have spies in every corner". Dengeir is beyond Idgrod crazy, she at least hold some semblance of sanity and isn't obviously mentally disturbed like Dengeir is. If Dengeir got in charge I could see him throwing half of the hold's populace in jail, he already thinks they are all imperial spies.


Siddgeir may be a spoiled brat, but at least he leaves the responsibilities of his hold on his Steward, who is respectable enough.

Edited by sajuukkhar9000
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